>>You would begrudge me a 1.25 inch logo for bothering to write 4 or 5 pages
>>a week of alternative documentation in hopes of spreading understanding of PostgreSQL
>>as well as hosting the site? We are not so petty as a group.
>Wow, given how quickly you jump to personal attacks apparently we are so
>petty a group. I don't think anyone here is simple enough to not realize
>the advantages of driving lots of traffic directly to your companies
>website, so lets not pretend otherwise, ok?
Woah... maybe we should just write both of these responses off as a
misuderstanding :)
Elein, to be fair no one is begrudging you anything. We are just
trying to determine what the guidelines for things are.
>>Contribution is about content not logos. I think I deserve to be
>>on the corporate sponsor page. Obviously I have not been a fly-by-night
Nobody has said yet that you won't be. However, a gentler approach
may be a better way. I don't think anyone here thinks you are
a fly by night contributor.
>Contribution is about giving away, no matter what the content. Some
>people think my$ql is a free database too, but like general bits, it is
>completely owned and controlled by a single company, and it's future
>currently depends primarily on the best interests of the company before
>that of the community.
The above is a good point. Varlena have you thought
of making General Bits a PgFoundry project. I know it
sounds weird, but you could release each "file" and have
a separate web page.
Would seem a more community driven project at that point?
I am just throwing ideas here at this point.
> Now some people are ok with this type of thing,
>but there are other ways to do things. Look at ecpg, one of our most
>popular packages that is primarily maintained by Michael Meskes. Now he
>could certainly host the package on the Credativ website and reap all
>the benefits of driving traffic his way, but he doesn't do that at all.
>Now there is a company that needs more recognition.
Joshua D. Drake
>Robert Treat
Command Prompt, Inc., home of Mammoth PostgreSQL - S/ODBC and S/JDBC
Postgresql support, programming shared hosting and dedicated hosting.
+1-503-667-4564 - jd@commandprompt.com - http://www.commandprompt.com
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