Elein Mustain wrote:
>Swag is good. I'd like to see tee shirts for the advocacy team,
>booth tenders and speakers at the very least so that we can
>be more visible. Give away or sell teeshirts would be great.
>Robert Bernier needs CDs burned.
* Somebody please suggest a time table: when would you like to see a
completed CD?
* For that matter, what would like the CD to have and do?
* Among documentation I can include not only the default pg
reference stuff but I "could" also include a couple of the online
references ie: Bruce's book and Command Prompt Inc book. Comments?
>I'm not sure what else. Brochures if we've got text.
We could include the case studies I created. As a matter of fact oreilly
had created and printed a set of brochures describing "BSD success
stories" at Dru Lavigne's request for the recently held BSD-CAN held in
Ottawa. Josh, what do you think?