It sounds like they want to do "all things" under the mysql banner. Does
that sound right to you guys?
Robert Treat wrote:
>On Fri, 2004-04-09 at 13:19, scott.marlowe wrote:
>>On 9 Apr 2004, Robert Treat wrote:
>>>I haven't given things a thorough look over yet, but I did notice that
>>>Joe Celko will be presenting (it's on the my$ql track of all places),
>>>which might be of interest to PostgreSQL users... in fact, Josh, do you
>>>know if we can get that tagged into our track as well? It doesn't
>>>conflict with anything in our track AFAICS.
>>Yeah, a tutorial on Advanced SQL in the MySQL Track? and it covers things
>>like check() constraints. Seems like there should just be a plain
>>"database tutorials" track, as his being part of MySQL makes little or no
>Actually looking at it a bit more, this does seem like a mistake because
>there is another my$ql specific tutorial going on at the same time...
>"Data Warehousing with MySQL and OSS Tools"... while our track has no
>tutorial at that time.
>>I'm pretty sure Joe is on one or two of our mailing lists, so if he sees
>>this maybe he can clarify why they put him on the MySQL list instead of
>>Postgresql or firebird. I'm certain MySQL is NOT his favorite open source