>I've noticed a similar strategy in the PHP vs Perl dimension. PHP
>started out being "simple and fast and easy to learn" by throwing off
>all of the "complexities of Perl that weren't needed".
>Slowly and steadily, lagging about 3 to 10 years behind, PHP has
>adding one-by-one all those "weird Perl features", but doing a poor
>job of integrating them.
In another vein, PHP has added the features as their market
has required them. Yes Perl has more features that PHP but
so what?
PHP works for those who use it. MySQL works for those who
use it.
That I believe is the fundamental problem with PostgreSQL
vs. MySQL. They are different products:
MS Access is a database
MSSQL is a database
Both have SQL capabilities...
Which one would you run for your accounting system?
O.k. I wouldn't run MSSQL for an accounting system either
but I think my point is made...
Joshua D. Drake
>So, you can get PHP for 2007 already. It's called Perl, and it's
>probably already installed on your box.
>"PostgreSQL is where MySQL will be in five years" might be a good
>catchmeme. Anyone wanna run with it?
Command Prompt, Inc., home of Mammoth PostgreSQL - S/ODBC - S/JDBC
Postgresql support, programming, shared hosting and dedicated hosting.
+1-503-222-2783 - jd@commandprompt.com - http://www.commandprompt.com