I suspect almost everyone using IDE drives -
We the "consumers" of this technology need to demand that the vendors:
1. Be honest about these limitations / bugs
2. Work to fix obvious bugs - e.g. drives lying about write cache status
need to have their behaviour changed as soon as possible.
In the meantime I guess all we can do is try to understand the issue and
raise awareness
Bruce Momjian wrote:
>Mark Kirkwood wrote:
>>Its worth checking - isn't it ?
>>I appeciate that you may have performed such tests previously - but as
>>hardware and software evolve its often worth repeating such tests (goes
>>away to do the suggested one tonight).
>>Note that I am not trying to argue away the issue about write caching -
>>it *has* to increase the risk of database corruption following a power
>>failure, however if your backups are regular and reliable this may be a
>>risk worth taking to achieve acceptable performance at a low price.
>Sure, but how many people are taking that risk and not knowing it!