If it does, then the first PC based multimedia system will fially be born.
Actually, the reverse of nice is needed for that; I need X amount of mips and Y
amount of I/O to run, should be a valid API call. THEN, multimedia apps can be
waht they're supposed to be.
Doug McNaught wrote:
> Kyle <kyle@ccidomain.com> writes:
>>Shridhar has a good point using nice. I know RedHat supports nice
>>because I have installed a totally background program that uses "nice
>>19" as part of its command line.
> He's talking about honoring 'nice' for I/O scheduling, which is
> in addition to the standard modification of CPU priority. Linux
> doesn't currently do this in 2.4--it was discussed for 2.5 but I don't
> know if it has gone in yet.
> -Doug
> ---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
> TIP 4: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster