Well, I cannot contact the original author so I send this here as my
last resort.
This is regarding a program you distribute in the "contrib" directory
of your FTP server, the program is called "dbf2pg".
I have made some usefull changes that I want to share, see the rest of
the email for more information.
Please, tell me if I have to do anything else to update that program,
especially if this is not the correct place to send this email (and if
so, sorry!, I am trying to help), any other comments are appreciated.
Take in account that I am not subscribed to this mailing list, so
please send me a copy of the emails!
Thanks and goodbye.
-------- Original Message --------
De: Ivan Baldo <ivan@servidor.pilasnet.com.uy>
Asunto: [Fwd: dbf2pg improvements (password, charset convertions, etc.)]
Para: boekhold@tibco.com
I sent you an email to your old account and it bounced, I hope this is
your new email address.
P.s.: dbf2pg should have your new email address and possibly a list of
changes, also the manpage points to an old version (2.0).
P.s.2: if you accept the changes, PostgreSQL people should get the new
version, and btw., where is the official location for this program?
-------- Original Message --------
De: Ivan Baldo <ivan@servidor.pilasnet.com.uy>
Asunto: dbf2pg improvements (password, charset convertions, etc.)
Para: boekhold@cindy.et.tudelft.nl
First of all, thanks for dbf2pg!!!
We will start to use it here soon.
I taken it from the Postgres site, in a "contrib" directory somewhere,
it had version 3.0.
I am sending you a traball of my version of the full source and a patch
with the differences.
You can see that there is in it an "ivan.txt" file, you can delete this
file, it is just for your (and my own) information.
For your convenience, here is a bit of that file:
- dbf2pg.c::isinteger()
- tried to optimize it.
- dbf2pg.c::usage()
- cosmetic changes, some options added.
- dbf2pg.c::main()
- support for '-W' flag for asking user password.
- support for '-U username' flag to specify user name.
- dbf2pg.c::do_inserts()
- if the user didn't specify a transaction block size, then set
it to be
all the records.
- dbf2pg.c
- fixed handling of date, also, there's no need for '-a' option
- support for charset conversion through options '-F
charset_from' and
'-T charset_to', using standard Unix "iconv" support.
- dbf2pg.1
- removed references to msql.
- updated a bit (should be checked since I am not a manpage
- behaviour regarding errors, warnings and informations should be
I suggest stderr for errors and stdout for anything else.
-- END OF ivan.txt --
If you are not the correct person to contact, please, tell me who can I
contact or what can I do then, since this changes could be usefull for
the world and it is good to share them.
Well, I will wait for your reply, goodbye!
P.s.: I have tested this on SuSE Linux 7.0 only, should be tested on
more platforms!