Bruce Momjian wrote:
> I have gotten some dates from the old Ingres and Postgres source code.
> Interesting how old these are:
> PostgreSQL is the most advanced open-source database server. It is
> Object-Relational(ORDBMS), and is supported by a team of Internet
> developers. PostgreSQL began as Ingres, developed at the University
> of California at Berkeley(1977-1985). The Ingres code was taken and
> enhanced by Ingres Corporation, which produced one of the first
> commercially successful relational database servers. (Ingres Corp.
> was later purchased by Computer Associates.) The Ingres code was
> taken by Michael Stonebraker as part of a Berkeley project to develop
> an object-relational database server called Postgres(1986-1994). The
> Postgres code was taken by Illustra and developed into a commercial
> product. (Illustra was later purchased by Informix and integrated
> into Informix's Universal Server.) Several graduate students added
> SQL capabilities to Postgres, and called it Postgres95(1995). The
> graduate students left Berkeley, but the code was maintained by one of
> the graduate students, Jolly Chen, and had an active mailing list.
In 1994, Andrew Yu and Jolly Chen added a SQL language interpreter to Postgres, and the code was ^^^^^^^^^
He should be mentioned as well...
subsequently released to the Web to find its own way in the world. Postgres95 was a public-domain,open source
descendantof this original Berkeley code.
You can find more about Ingres, Postgres and Postgres'95 at
BTW, what's the birthday of our project?
Andrew/Jolly stoped development ~ May 1996.
Mark, can you remember/find when you posted your historic
message to Postgres'95 mailing list?