D'Arcy J.M. Cain wrote:
> > 2. Can a declared serial column be also a primary key? If so, what
> > will be the side effected? Specifically, how will the unique index be
> > named? The ODBC driver uses the {relname}_pkey to identify the primary
> > key of a table. The driver must be able to identify primary keys.
> I suspect that the serial field will be the primary key 99% of the time.
> I hope it can be.
> As for finding the primary, with the new changes we should be able
> to do something like this.
> SELECT pg_class.relname, pg_attribute.attname
> FROM pg_class, pg_attribute, pg_index
> WHERE pg_class.oid = pg_attribute.attrelid AND
> pg_class.oid = pg_index.indrelid AND
> pg_index.indkey[0] = pg_attribute.attnum AND
> pg_index.indisprimary = 't';
Is pg_index.indisprimary available now to determine primary'ness. If not,