Radosław Smogura <rsmogura@softperience.eu> writes:
> I think about following functionality to add to streaming. In some way earlier
> or later soemone will add possibility for gzip communication. As I try to make
> streaming, I wonder if it is possible to change TOAST compression to
> GZIP/zLib, currently is LZMA.
> I want to make this: if user want to use compression during communication,
> server will be able to send compressed datum, instead of doing recompression.
> GZIP is actually quite popular, and skipping "plain" Windows C, it's supported
> on all driver platforms, including Java and .NET.
> What do You think about this approach.
The fact that TOAST depends on a non-gzip compressor is intentional.
The code that's there is faster than gzip, IIRC, and also there is
no problem with it possibly not being available on a particular system.
You haven't provided any justification that would overrule these
regards, tom lane