Bror Jonsson <> writes:
> I�m trying to upgrade from 9.0 to 9.2 with out any success. the pg_upgrade script fails with the message Old and new
clusterinstall users have different values for pg_authid.oid:
> geo-route-in:~ bror$ /opt/local//lib/postgresql92/bin/pg_upgrade -b /opt/local//lib/postgresql90/bin/ -B
/opt/local//lib/postgresql92/bin/-d /Volumes/ruoteRAID/db/postgresql90/defaultdb/ -D
/Volumes/ruoteRAID/db/postgresql92/defaultdb/-u bror
At a guess, "bror" is not the original superuser in the old cluster
(ie, the one who ran initdb). You need to use the name of that
superuser, not just any superuser.
regards, tom lane