On 2021-02-12 00:42:04 +0100, Tomas Vondra wrote:
> Yeah, that's a good point. I think it'd make sense to keep track of recent
> FPIs and skip prefetching such blocks. But how exactly should we implement
> that, how many blocks do we need to track? If you get an FPI, how long
> should we skip prefetching of that block?
> I don't think the history needs to be very long, for two reasons. Firstly,
> the usual pattern is that we have FPI + several changes for that block
> shortly after it. Secondly, maintenance_io_concurrency limits this naturally
> - after crossing that, redo should place the FPI into shared buffers,
> allowing us to skip the prefetch.
> So I think using maintenance_io_concurrency is sufficient. We might track
> more buffers to allow skipping prefetches of blocks that were evicted from
> shared buffers, but that seems like an overkill.
> However, maintenance_io_concurrency can be quite high, so just a simple
> queue is not very suitable - searching it linearly for each block would be
> too expensive. But I think we can use a simple hash table, tracking
> (relfilenode, block, LSN), over-sized to minimize collisions.
> Imagine it's a simple array with (2 * maintenance_io_concurrency) elements,
> and whenever we prefetch a block or find an FPI, we simply add the block to
> the array as determined by hash(relfilenode, block)
> hashtable[hash(...)] = {relfilenode, block, LSN}
> and then when deciding whether to prefetch a block, we look at that one
> position. If the (relfilenode, block) match, we check the LSN and skip the
> prefetch if it's sufficiently recent. Otherwise we prefetch.
I'm a bit doubtful this is really needed at this point. Yes, the
prefetching will do a buffer table lookup - but it's a lookup that
already happens today. And the patch already avoids doing a second
lookup after prefetching (by optimistically caching the last Buffer id,
and re-checking).
I think there's potential for some significant optimization going
forward, but I think it's basically optimization over what we're doing
today. As this is already a nontrivial patch, I'd argue for doing so