I have searched the mailing list archives as well as the
internet at large but haven't been able to find a _streaming_
version of md5 hashing for large objects. The closest thing I
found is this thread
which eventually lead to this code
which, however, doesn't stream in the large object data
either. Essentially, for hashing _very_ large objects (to the
order of several GB per object, I am dealing with radiology
studies aka DICOM data) one would want an md5 function which
streams in parts of a large object piece by piece using
md5_update and m5_finalize or some such.
It didn't look like pgcrypto offers a streaming version either.
Anything I am overlooking ?
GPG key ID E4071346 @ eu.pool.sks-keyservers.net
E167 67FD A291 2BEA 73BD 4537 78B9 A9F9 E407 1346