2007-11-02_21:20:58-0400 Ron Peterson <ron.peterson@yellowbank.com>:
> I don't have numbers to back this up, but my suspicion is that these
> numbers correlate with the numbers of applications that use each
> respective database as their primary backend platform.
I think the best possible PostgreSQL marketing would be for someone to
develop a knock-your-socks-off killer app. It wouldn't have to be
something as high-profile as an ERP app either. Pick off some lower
hanging fruit first. There's some pretty crufty stuff out there that
exists primarily on account of no-one taking the initiative to build
anything better. Check out the market for systems to manage the higher
education enterprise for example - registration systems, etc.
Just another "somebody should do something" rant, I suppose. I have
actually considered such things, but as a practical matter, it's too
much to do as a hobby, and being a father of three and all, I'm a little
adverse to risking my children's future on unfunded entrepreneurial
ventures. :(
If someone wants to start "The PostgreSQL Application Company", and can
promise some measure of job security, that would make me raise an
eyebrow though... :)
Ron Peterson