On Fri, May 12, 2006 at 16:29:05 -0400,
John DeSoi <desoi@pgedit.com> wrote:
> But mainly I just want to thank the other posters for "junior sales
> sheeple from MS" and "I don't particularly like MacOSX. It seems
> entirely too Charlie and the Chocolate factory for me." Almost spewed
> Diet Coke on the monitor. I never even heard "sheeple" before, but I
> can see I'm just behind the times because it is already in Wikipedia
> (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sheeple).
You need to read more anti-government rants. I know I ran accross "sheeple"
at least several years ago. And since it pronounces nicely and the notion
of people acting like sheep goes back a long way, I expect that term does
as well.