* Evan Rempel <erempel@UVic.CA> wrote:
I already answered you posting, but since my mail didnt come
back to my inbox again, I'll repeat the main point:
> Without this, the organization is reluctant to even consider rolling
> PostgreSQL our in a production environment, regardless of who thinks it's
> good, how much it costs or any other technical reason. The IT staff never
> gets an oportunity to showcase PostgreSQL because it is never put into
> production. If it's never in production, there is never a job oportunity,
> and without the job oportunity, the PostgreSQL community never create
> training/certification. This is an endless circle.
If we sit down an set up clear and public criteria coupled with tests
which really make much sense in practise, I'm pro this and I'd like to
contribute to such a project.
Are there some more folks interested ?
I vote for setting up an own maillist for this project.
Enrico Weigelt == metux IT service
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