On 05/05/2004 00:39 Bruce wrote:
> We've got a raging debate going on now on whether we should move from a
> Foxpro back end to either PostgreSQL or MySQL.
> It's an accounting application and I feel that Postgres would be the
> better choice. Some other people (like my boss) thinks that MySQL would
> be better choice. His reasoning is that MySQL gets more publicity so it
> must be better. He says that since the Sabre airline reservation system
> and Yahoo run with MySQL, they are the best. Period.
> I'm sure Postgres has a couple prestige organizations that use database.
> If I could come up with some big names, I'm pretty sure we could make
> everyone into believers. Unfortunately, the only thing close to a "name"
> on the website is the company BSAF.
Show him
and ask him how much he values the company's accounting data.
Paul Thomas
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