Rodrigo Sakai wrote:
> I did some importation from a .csv file to a table
> (this is a very small piece of the csv file, but i think its good for
> the exemple. the pipe "|" is the delimiter for this file)
> 001|002|30413000000045027612|002
> 001|002|30410000000218146611|002
> 001|002|30406000000664389616|002
> 001|002|30406000000607799814|002
> 001|002|30406000000664429313|002
> 001|002|30406000000607767316|002
> (and the respective part of the table is)
> cod_empresa int4 NOT NULL,
> cod_credor int4 NOT NULL,
> num_contr varchar(50) NOT NULL,
> cod_filial int4 NOT NULL DEFAULT 1
> (so, the data on my tables look like this:)
> cod_empresa | cod_cliente | num_contr | cod_filial
> -------------+-------------+-----------------------+------------
> 1 | 9386 | 30410000000762732212 | 3
> 1 | 7383 | 3,04100000007634E+019 | 4
> 1 | 5750 | 30410000000763546413 | 3
> 1 | 3584 | 3,04100000007627E+019 | 6
This result has mighty little to do with what you are importing, so
you're either looking at the wrong table or you have some triggers that
do heavy massage on your data.