is this kind of thing possible---?
select gpa(student) from student where id=7121;
select gpa(course) from course where id=29931;
select gpa(prof) from prof where id=1321;
i've got several tables each of which have
create table <various-and-sundry> (
a int4,
b int4,
c int4,
d int4,
f int4,
since i'd like to AVOID this nonsense--
create view courseGPA as
select *,
(a * 4 + b * 3 + c * 2 + d)
(a + b + c + d + f) as gpa
from course;
create view profGPA as
select *,
(a * 4 + b * 3 + c * 2 + d)
(a + b + c + d + f) as gpa
from prof;
create view studentGPA as
select *,
(a * 4 + b * 3 + c * 2 + d)
(a + b + c + d + f) as gpa
from student;
i'd rather be able to do this--
create function gpa( unknowntableTuple ) returns float8 as '
($1.a * 4 + $1.b * 3 + $1.c * 2 + $1.d)
($1.a + $1.b + $1.c + $1.d + $1.f)
' language 'sql';
any chance of working something like that? if so, how? if not,
well, waaah!
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