Today, I have finally managed to compile PostgreSQL 8.3devel using Visual C++ 2005 on Windows XP PRO. It was a tough process as I've never hacked such a big OS project like PGSQL. I did it becouse I needed to develop some C functions that will be exported as functions to be called as Stored Procedures. The dll compiled well, however, when I try to create it in the database using the CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION, I get the following error message:
ERROR: incompatible library "C:\Arquivos de programas\PostgreSQL\8.2\lib\sgipgfunc.dll": version mismatch SQL state: XX000 Detail: Server is version 8.2, library is version 8.3.
How could I make it work with 8.2 without having to download the 8.2 source code and compiling it? Is there a way to do that?