=> > Is the size of the hash bucket dependent on the number of buffers available ?
=> > If so, with -B 30000, it might create huge hash buckets and hence the
=> > hash join could degenerate to a nested loops join. Is that possible -- just
=> > checking. What could be good values for -B and -S. The largest table I am
=> > joining is about 60M
=> My production server runs with a -B 256, and a -S 10240
With less buffers, it is giving "hash table out of memory" error.
I ran with -B 512
AGG :c=435416.5312 :s=0 :w=0
l: GROUP :c=435416.5312 :s=0 :w=0
l: SORT :c=435416.5312 :s=0 :w=0
l: HASHJOIN :c=435416.5312 :s=305715 :w=16
l: SEQSCAN :c=36107.7500 :s=917144 :w=8 ( t1 )
r: HASH :c=0.0000 :s=0 :w=0
l: SEQSCAN :c=36107.7500 :s=917144 :w=8 ( t1 )
ERROR: hash table out of memory. Use -B parameter to increase buffers.