"Gevik Babakhani" <pgdev@xs4all.nl> writes:
>> Surely it should be the inverse of the solution for output,
>> eg TMMon selects localized input.
> Of cource. But how would TM enforce a localized formatting. (perhaps I am
> off.... 2:10 am...)
> Lets say I have en_US database but the dates I am trying to format is nl_NL.
> If I am not mistaking SET LC_MESSAGES won't help.
Works for me:
postgres=# show lc_messages ;lc_messages
(1 row)
postgres=# select to_char(now(), 'TMDay, DD TMMonth YYYY'); to_char
-------------------------Montag, 04 Februar 2008
(1 row)
postgres=# set lc_messages TO 'es_ES.utf8';
postgres=# select to_char(now(), 'TMDay, DD TMMonth YYYY'); to_char
------------------------Lunes, 04 Febrero 2008
(1 row)
regards, tom lane