Andrew Dunstan <> writes:
> On 3/20/21 3:03 PM, Tom Lane wrote:
>> I fixed up some issues in 0008/0009 (mostly cosmetic, except that
>> you forgot a server version check in dumpToastCompression) and
>> pushed that, so we can see if it makes crake happy.
> It's still produced a significant amount more difference between the
> dumps. For now I've increased the fuzz factor a bit like this:
> - if ( ($oversion ne $this_branch && $difflines < 2000)
> + if ( ($oversion ne $this_branch && $difflines < 2700)
> I'll try to come up with something better. Maybe just ignore lines like
> SET default_toast_compression = 'pglz';
> when taking the diff.
I see that some other buildfarm animals besides your own critters
are still failing the xversion tests, presumably because they lack
this hack :-(.
On reflection, though, I wonder if we've made pg_dump do the right
thing anyway. There is a strong case to be made for the idea that
when dumping from a pre-14 server, it should emit
SET default_toast_compression = 'pglz';
rather than omitting any mention of the variable, which is what
I made it do in aa25d1089. If we changed that, I think all these
diffs would go away. Am I right in thinking that what's being
compared here is new pg_dump's dump from old server versus new
pg_dump's dump from new server?
The "strong case" goes like this: initdb a v14 cluster, change
default_toast_compression to lz4 in its postgresql.conf, then
try to pg_upgrade from an old server. If the dump script doesn't
set default_toast_compression = 'pglz' then the upgrade will
do the wrong thing because all the tables will be recreated with
a different behavior than they had before. IIUC, this wouldn't
result in broken data, but it still seems to me to be undesirable.
dump/restore ought to do its best to preserve the old DB state,
unless you explicitly tell it --no-toast-compression or the like.
regards, tom lane