We looked at SAP vs PostgresQL for a number of reasons.
One was that it was supposed to be more "enterprise ready". Supposedly it
had replication, but in the latest version, they renamed it; their
replication was more of a import-export utility.
SAP is strange. The setup it unusual, and poorly documented. The usage is
poorly documented. Finally, when we went to use SAP, it worked for a while,
then the database seemed to get corrupted.
I wrote up some quick notes on SAP if you are interested.
Overall, we weren't impressed. There is support on the newsgroups, but the
volume isn't a 10th of what you'll find on PostgresQL.
Also, look at MySQL 4 - with InnoDB and replication, it's looking good. 4.1
will have subselects.
----- Original Message -----
From: "John Wells" <jb@sourceillustrated.com>
To: <pgsql-general@postgresql.org>
Sent: Thursday, April 03, 2003 11:37 AM
Subject: [GENERAL] SAPdb vs. Postgresql
Hello all.
A client of mine asked me today how SAPdb (http://www.sapdb.org) compares
with Postgresql.
Anyone know? If you have had any experience with SAPdb, or have any
pointers to benchmarks, comparisons, etc., I'd really appreciate it if you
could pass them along.
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