I think that may be what I have been trying to do.
Can you point me to some literature on how to do that? I'm just learning the
basics of Delphi and the documenation I've seen so far hasn't been very
----- Original Message -----
From: "Tony Caduto" <tony_caduto@amsoftwaredesign.com>
To: "Bob Pawley" <rjpawley@shaw.ca>
Cc: <pgsql-general@postgresql.org>
Sent: Tuesday, March 20, 2007 3:07 PM
Subject: Re: [GENERAL] Postgresql to Delphi
> Bob Pawley wrote:
>> Listen/notify implies a dynamic table that is constantly on the change.
>> Am I correct?
>> The table I am talking about is completed through one interface then
>> imported as a relatively static information base for the application in
>> which I am seeking help.
> Yes,
> you would have to define a rule on the table and when the table changed it
> would send a notification back to who ever is listening.
> Why don't you just run a query against the table, then loop through the
> result set and then trigger your devices from inside the loop?
> myquery.sql.add('select * from mytable where bla = bla;');
> myquery.open;
> While not myquery.eof do
> begin
> if myquery.fieldbyname('somefield').asstring = 'something' then
> //signal your device.
> myquery.next;
> end;
> I guess that is the best I can come up without knowing more.
> Later,
> --
> Tony Caduto
> AM Software Design
> http://www.amsoftwaredesign.com
> Home of PG Lightning Admin for Postgresql
> Your best bet for Postgresql Administration