Thread: Reduce the instruction overhead of OpenSSL calls

Reduce the instruction overhead of OpenSSL calls

From the openssl documentation, when the value of ret is greater than 0, the SSL_get_error() function returns SSL_ERROR_NONE. 
So, it seems that when the return value of SSL_read() or SSL_write() function is greater than 0, we don't need to make an error judgment. 
The attached patch attempts to reduce unnecessary error judgments. 

I am glad for feedback and reviews!

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Re: Reduce the instruction overhead of OpenSSL calls

Daniel Gustafsson
> On 27 Feb 2025, at 14:16, ryanewang(王蕾) <> wrote:
> Hi,
> From the openssl documentation, when the value of ret is greater than 0, the SSL_get_error() function returns
> So, it seems that when the return value of SSL_read() or SSL_write() function is greater than 0, we don't need to
makean error judgment.  
> The attached patch attempts to reduce unnecessary error judgments.

Calling SSL_get_error() is needed to clear the error queue for subsequent IO
operations, so I don't skipping it would be wise.  I imagine that any overhead
is dwarfed by the time spent in network IO anyways.

Daniel Gustafsson