Thread: Regression from postgresql14 to postgresql17 with postgis (osm2pgsql)

Regression from postgresql14 to postgresql17 with postgis (osm2pgsql)

Elie Gedeon


I have what seems to be a regression from postgresql14 to postgresql17

I hope I'm on the right bug tracking list, since I am unsure if bug is from postgresql or osm2pgsql.

/mnt/faststorage is a 2Tb NVME, which seems ok (recent, low write count, no checksum error from btrfs)

Error is repeatable

Error doesn't change if I use a different destination

Ram seem ok (tested with memtester)

System is Ubuntu 24.10

files from

Not working with postgresql17 :

[USER@HOST ~]$ sudo pg_createcluster 17 osmdata --datadir=/mnt/faststorage/postgres --port=54372 --pgoption autovacuum_work_mem='2GB' --pgoption checkpoint_completion_target='0.9' --pgoption checkpoint_timeout='60min' --pgoption default_statistics_target='500' --pgoption effective_cache_size='10GB' --pgoption effective_io_concurrency='200' --pgoption maintenance_work_mem='10GB' --pgoption min_wal_size='4GB' --pgoption max_connections='40' --pgoption max_wal_size='12GB' --pgoption max_worker_processes='10' --pgoption max_parallel_workers_per_gather='6' --pgoption max_parallel_workers='10' --pgoption max_parallel_maintenance_workers='4' --pgoption max_wal_senders='0' --pgoption random_page_cost='1.0' --pgoption shared_buffers='1GB' --pgoption wal_buffers='16MB' --pgoption wal_level='minimal' --pgoption work_mem='50MB' -- --data-checksums --lc-messages=C --auth-host=scram-sha-256 --auth-local=peer
Creating new PostgreSQL cluster 17/osmdata ...
/usr/lib/postgresql/17/bin/initdb -D /mnt/faststorage/postgres --no-instructions --data-checksums --lc-messages=C --auth-host=scram-sha-256 --auth-local=peer
Les fichiers de ce système de bases de données appartiendront à l'utilisateur « postgres ».
Le processus serveur doit également lui appartenir.
L'instance sera initialisée avec cette configuration de locale :
fournisseur de locale : libc
L'encodage par défaut des bases de données a été configuré en conséquence
avec « UTF8 ».
La configuration de la recherche plein texte a été initialisée à « french ».
Les sommes de contrôle des pages de données sont activées.
correction des droits sur le répertoire existant /mnt/faststorage/postgres... ok
création des sous-répertoires... ok
sélection de l'implémentation de la mémoire partagée dynamique...posix
sélection de la valeur par défaut pour « max_connections »... 100
sélection de la valeur par défaut pour « shared_buffers »... 128MB
sélection du fuseau horaire par défaut... Europe/Paris
création des fichiers de configuration... ok
lancement du script bootstrap...ok
exécution de l'initialisation après bootstrap... ok
synchronisation des données sur disque... ok
Ver Cluster Port Status Owner Data directory Log file
17 osmdata 54372 down postgres /mnt/faststorage/postgres /var/log/postgresql/postgresql-17-osmdata.log
[USER@HOST ~]$ sudo systemctl start postgresql@17-osmdata
[USER@HOST ~]$ sudo -u postgres createuser -p 54372 --createdb --pwprompt --superuser "$(whoami)"
Saisir le mot de passe pour le nouveau rôle :
Saisir le mot de passe à nouveau :
[USER@HOST ~]$ createdb --owner $(whoami) --port 54372 --encoding=UTF8 osm
[USER@HOST ~]$ psql -p 54372 -U $(whoami) osm -c "CREATE EXTENSION postgis;"
[USER@HOST ~]$ psql -p 54372 -U $(whoami) osm -c "CREATE EXTENSION hstore;"
2024-11-13 12:58:52 osm2pgsql version 1.11.0
2024-11-13 12:58:52 Database version: 17.0 (Ubuntu 17.0-1.pgdg24.10+1)
2024-11-13 12:58:52 PostGIS version: 3.5
2024-11-13 12:58:52 Storing properties to table '"public"."osm2pgsql_properties"'.
2024-11-13 12:58:52 ERROR: Unable to open flatnode file '/mnt/faststorage/flatnodes/flatnode-osmdata': No such file or directory
[USER@HOST ~]$ osm2pgsql --create --database osm --port 54372 --cache 80000 --number-processes 8 Téléchargements/planet-241028.osm.pbf -k --slim --flat-nodes /mnt/faststorage/flatnodes/flatnode-osmdata
2024-11-13 12:59:55 osm2pgsql version 1.11.0
2024-11-13 12:59:55 Database version: 17.0 (Ubuntu 17.0-1.pgdg24.10+1)
2024-11-13 12:59:55 PostGIS version: 3.5
2024-11-13 12:59:55 Storing properties to table '"public"."osm2pgsql_properties"'.
2024-11-13 12:59:55 Setting up table 'planet_osm_point'
2024-11-13 12:59:55 Setting up table 'planet_osm_line'
2024-11-13 12:59:55 Setting up table 'planet_osm_polygon'
2024-11-13 12:59:55 Setting up table 'planet_osm_roads'
2024-11-13 17:33:56 Reading input files done in 16441s (4h 34m 1s).
2024-11-13 17:33:56 Processed 9475372292 nodes in 1006s (16m 46s) - 9419k/s
2024-11-13 17:33:56 Processed 1059436515 ways in 7897s (2h 11m 37s) - 134k/s
2024-11-13 17:33:56 Processed 12649514 relations in 7538s (2h 5m 38s) - 2k/s
2024-11-13 17:33:57 Clustering table 'planet_osm_line' by geometry...
2024-11-13 17:33:57 Clustering table 'planet_osm_point' by geometry...
2024-11-13 17:34:05 Clustering table 'planet_osm_roads' by geometry...
2024-11-13 17:34:05 Clustering table 'planet_osm_polygon' by geometry...
2024-11-13 17:34:05 Done postprocessing on table 'planet_osm_nodes' in 0s
2024-11-13 17:34:05 Building index on table 'planet_osm_rels'
2024-11-13 17:34:05 Building index on table 'planet_osm_ways'
2024-11-13 17:46:53 Creating geometry index on table 'planet_osm_point'...
2024-11-13 17:50:01 Creating geometry index on table 'planet_osm_roads'...
2024-11-13 17:55:54 Creating osm_id index on table 'planet_osm_roads'...
2024-11-13 17:56:02 Analyzing table 'planet_osm_roads'...
2024-11-13 18:03:53 Creating osm_id index on table 'planet_osm_point'...
2024-11-13 18:04:48 Analyzing table 'planet_osm_point'...
2024-11-13 18:15:15 Creating geometry index on table 'planet_osm_line'...
2024-11-13 18:32:22 Creating osm_id index on table 'planet_osm_line'...
WARNING: page verification failed, calculated checksum 27154 but expected 30568
2024-11-13 18:44:44 Creating geometry index on table 'planet_osm_polygon'...
2024-11-13 19:18:28 Creating osm_id index on table 'planet_osm_polygon'...
WARNING: page verification failed, calculated checksum 63824 but expected 53140
2024-11-13 19:36:44 Done postprocessing on table 'planet_osm_ways' in 7358s (2h 2m 38s)
2024-11-13 19:36:44 Done postprocessing on table 'planet_osm_rels' in 572s (9m 32s)
2024-11-13 19:36:44 All postprocessing on table 'planet_osm_point' done in 1852s (30m 52s).
2024-11-13 19:36:44 All postprocessing on table 'planet_osm_roads' done in 1334s (22m 14s).
2024-11-13 19:36:44 ERROR: Database error: ERROR: invalid page in block 25652861 of relation base/16385/8057509
CONTEXT: parallel worker

Working with postgresql14

[USER@HOST ~]$ sudo pg_createcluster 14 osmdata --datadir=/mnt/faststorage/postgres --port=54342 --pgoption autovacuum_work_mem='2GB' --pgoption checkpoint_completion_target='0.9' --pgoption checkpoint_timeout='60min' --pgoption default_statistics_target='500' --pgoption effective_cache_size='10GB' --pgoption effective_io_concurrency='200' --pgoption maintenance_work_mem='10GB' --pgoption min_wal_size='4GB' --pgoption max_connections='40' --pgoption max_wal_size='12GB' --pgoption max_worker_processes='10' --pgoption max_parallel_workers_per_gather='6' --pgoption max_parallel_workers='10' --pgoption max_parallel_maintenance_workers='4' --pgoption max_wal_senders='0' --pgoption random_page_cost='1.0' --pgoption shared_buffers='1GB' --pgoption wal_buffers='16MB' --pgoption wal_level='minimal' --pgoption work_mem='50MB' -- --data-checksums --lc-messages=C --auth-host=scram-sha-256 --auth-local=peer
Creating new PostgreSQL cluster 14/osmdata ...
/usr/lib/postgresql/14/bin/initdb -D /mnt/faststorage/postgres --no-instructions --data-checksums --lc-messages=C --auth-host=scram-sha-256 --auth-local=peer
Les fichiers de ce système de bases de données appartiendront à l'utilisateur « postgres ».
Le processus serveur doit également lui appartenir.
L'instance sera initialisée avec les locales
L'encodage par défaut des bases de données a été configuré en conséquence
avec « UTF8 ».
La configuration de la recherche plein texte a été initialisée à « french ».
Les sommes de contrôle des pages de données sont activées.
correction des droits sur le répertoire existant /mnt/faststorage/postgres... ok
création des sous-répertoires... ok
sélection de l'implémentation de la mémoire partagée dynamique...posix
sélection de la valeur par défaut pour max_connections... 100
sélection de la valeur par défaut pour shared_buffers... 128MB
sélection du fuseau horaire par défaut... Europe/Paris
création des fichiers de configuration... ok
lancement du script bootstrap...ok
exécution de l'initialisation après bootstrap... ok
synchronisation des données sur disque... ok
Ver Cluster Port Status Owner Data directory Log file
14 osmdata 54342 down postgres /mnt/faststorage/postgres /var/log/postgresql/postgresql-14-osmdata.log
[USER@HOST ~]$ sudo systemctl start postgresql@14-osmdata
[USER@HOST ~]$ sudo -u postgres createuser -p 54342 --createdb --pwprompt --superuser "$(whoami)"
could not change directory to "/home/phi": Permission non accordée
Enter password for new role:
Enter it again:
[USER@HOST ~]$ createdb --owner $(whoami) --port 54342 --encoding=UTF8 osm
[USER@HOST ~]$ psql -p 54342 -U $(whoami) osm -c "CREATE EXTENSION postgis;"
[USER@HOST ~]$ psql -p 54342 -U $(whoami) osm -c "CREATE EXTENSION hstore;"
[USER@HOST ~]$ osm2pgsql --create --database osm --port 54342 --cache 80000 --number-processes 8 Téléchargements/planet-241028.osm.pbf -k --slim --flat-nodes /mnt/faststorage/flatnodes/flatnode-osmdata
2024-11-12 01:12:40 osm2pgsql version 1.11.0
2024-11-12 01:12:40 Database version: 14.13 (Ubuntu 14.13-1.pgdg24.10+1)
2024-11-12 01:12:40 PostGIS version: 3.5
2024-11-12 01:12:40 Storing properties to table '"public"."osm2pgsql_properties"'.
2024-11-12 01:12:40 Setting up table 'planet_osm_point'
2024-11-12 01:12:40 Setting up table 'planet_osm_line'
2024-11-12 01:12:40 Setting up table 'planet_osm_polygon'
2024-11-12 01:12:40 Setting up table 'planet_osm_roads'
2024-11-12 07:20:17 Reading input files done in 22057s (6h 7m 37s).
2024-11-12 07:20:17 Processed 9475372292 nodes in 1086s (18m 6s) - 8725k/s
2024-11-12 07:20:17 Processed 1059436515 ways in 8056s (2h 14m 16s) - 132k/s
2024-11-12 07:20:17 Processed 12649514 relations in 12915s (3h 35m 15s) - 979/s
2024-11-12 07:20:17 Clustering table 'planet_osm_point' by geometry...
2024-11-12 07:20:17 Clustering table 'planet_osm_line' by geometry...
2024-11-12 07:20:22 Clustering table 'planet_osm_polygon' by geometry...
2024-11-12 07:20:22 Clustering table 'planet_osm_roads' by geometry...
2024-11-12 07:20:23 Done postprocessing on table 'planet_osm_nodes' in 0s
2024-11-12 07:20:23 Building index on table 'planet_osm_ways'
2024-11-12 07:20:23 Building index on table 'planet_osm_rels'
2024-11-12 07:34:53 Creating geometry index on table 'planet_osm_point'...
2024-11-12 07:45:05 Creating geometry index on table 'planet_osm_roads'...
2024-11-12 07:57:07 Creating osm_id index on table 'planet_osm_roads'...
2024-11-12 07:57:21 Analyzing table 'planet_osm_roads'...
2024-11-12 08:24:33 Creating geometry index on table 'planet_osm_line'...
2024-11-12 08:26:12 Creating osm_id index on table 'planet_osm_point'...
2024-11-12 08:27:13 Analyzing table 'planet_osm_point'...
2024-11-12 09:16:22 Creating osm_id index on table 'planet_osm_line'...
2024-11-12 09:18:05 Analyzing table 'planet_osm_line'...
2024-11-12 09:29:04 Creating geometry index on table 'planet_osm_polygon'...
2024-11-12 09:30:36 Done postprocessing on table 'planet_osm_ways' in 7812s (2h 10m 12s)
2024-11-12 09:30:36 Done postprocessing on table 'planet_osm_rels' in 715s (11m 55s)
2024-11-12 09:30:36 All postprocessing on table 'planet_osm_point' done in 4020s (1h 7m 0s).
2024-11-12 09:30:36 All postprocessing on table 'planet_osm_line' done in 7075s (1h 57m 55s).
2024-11-12 11:15:31 Creating osm_id index on table 'planet_osm_polygon'...
2024-11-12 11:18:32 Analyzing table 'planet_osm_polygon'...
2024-11-12 11:18:36 All postprocessing on table 'planet_osm_polygon' done in 14298s (3h 58m 18s).
2024-11-12 11:18:36 All postprocessing on table 'planet_osm_roads' done in 2226s (37m 6s).
2024-11-12 11:18:36 Storing properties to table '"public"."osm2pgsql_properties"'.
2024-11-12 11:18:36 osm2pgsql took 36355s (10h 5m 55s) overall.

I'm happy to rerun the test if you can tell me what log to enable, my experience with postgresql is quite limited

Thanks and happy debugging :)


Re: Regression from postgresql14 to postgresql17 with postgis (osm2pgsql)

Aleksander Alekseev
Hi Elie,

> System is Ubuntu 24.10
> [...]
> files from
> Not working with postgresql17 :
> [USER@HOST ~]$ sudo pg_createcluster 17 osmdata --datadir=/mnt/faststorage/postgres --port=54372 --pgoption
autovacuum_work_mem='2GB'--pgoption checkpoint_completion_target='0.9' --pgoption checkpoint_timeout='60min' --pgoption
default_statistics_target='500'--pgoption effective_cache_size='10GB' --pgoption effective_io_concurrency='200'
--pgoptionmaintenance_work_mem='10GB' --pgoption min_wal_size='4GB' --pgoption max_connections='40' --pgoption
max_wal_size='12GB'--pgoption max_worker_processes='10' --pgoption max_parallel_workers_per_gather='6' --pgoption
max_parallel_workers='10'--pgoption max_parallel_maintenance_workers='4' --pgoption max_wal_senders='0' --pgoption
random_page_cost='1.0'--pgoption shared_buffers='1GB' --pgoption wal_buffers='16MB' --pgoption wal_level='minimal'
--pgoptionwork_mem='50MB' -- --data-checksums --lc-messages=C --auth-host=scram-sha-256 --auth-local=peer 

Your report is a bit difficult to read but if I understand correctly
you have a single pg_createcluster command that fails. Unfortunately
this is a 3rd party program which is not part of PostgreSQL
distribution. I found a web page that seems to contain emails of its
maintainers [1] but I recommend re-checking it with your local `man
pg_createcluster` or `pg_createcluster --help`.

From what I can tell you are basically trying to create a database
(a.k.a. cluster). I'm surprised to see that a 3rd party program is
needed for this. You may consider doing the same with the tools
provided by PostgreSQL. The documentation [2] will tell you how to do
this, or alternatively take a look at this script [3].

If you discover any problems with our tools and/or find a way to
reproduce your issue with them please let us know.


Best regards,
Aleksander Alekseev

Re: Regression from postgresql14 to postgresql17 with postgis (osm2pgsql)

Aleksander Alekseev
Hi again,

> If you discover any problems with our tools and/or find a way to
> reproduce your issue with them please let us know.

On second look your report just doesn't make sense:

[USER@HOST ~]$ psql -p 54372 -U $(whoami) osm -c "CREATE EXTENSION hstore;"
2024-11-13 12:58:52 osm2pgsql version 1.11.0
2024-11-13 12:58:52 Database version: 17.0 (Ubuntu 17.0-1.pgdg24.10+1)
2024-11-13 12:58:52 PostGIS version: 3.5
2024-11-13 12:58:52 Storing properties to table
2024-11-13 12:58:52 ERROR: Unable to open flatnode file
'/mnt/faststorage/flatnodes/flatnode-osmdata': No such file or
[USER@HOST ~]$ osm2pgsql --create --database osm --port 54372 --cache
80000 --number-processes 8 Téléchargements/planet-241028.osm.pbf -k
--slim --flat-nodes /mnt/faststorage/flatnodes/flatnode-osmdata
2024-11-13 12:59:55 osm2pgsql version 1.11.0
2024-11-13 12:59:55 Database version: 17.0 (Ubuntu 17.0-1.pgdg24.10+1)
2024-11-13 12:59:55 PostGIS version: 3.5

Here you show some output of osm2pgsql before executing it.

You will have to provide a better bug report if you expect any help
from the community. Ideally in terms "I execute steps 1 2 and 3 using
the following tools from the PostgreSQL distribution. On step 3 I get
the result X while the expected result is Y". You'll have to figure
the rest by yourself, sorry.

Best regards,
Aleksander Alekseev

On 11/13/24 20:01, Elie Gedeon wrote:
> Hi,
> ...
> 2024-11-13 18:15:15 Creating geometry index on table 'planet_osm_line'...
> 2024-11-13 18:32:22 Creating osm_id index on table 'planet_osm_line'...
> WARNING: page verification failed, calculated checksum 27154 but
> expected 30568
> 2024-11-13 18:44:44 Creating geometry index on table 'planet_osm_polygon'...
> 2024-11-13 19:18:28 Creating osm_id index on table 'planet_osm_polygon'...
> WARNING: page verification failed, calculated checksum 63824 but
> expected 53140
> 2024-11-13 19:36:44 Done postprocessing on table 'planet_osm_ways' in
> 7358s (2h 2m 38s)
> 2024-11-13 19:36:44 Done postprocessing on table 'planet_osm_rels' in
> 572s (9m 32s)
> 2024-11-13 19:36:44 All postprocessing on table 'planet_osm_point' done
> in 1852s (30m 52s).
> 2024-11-13 19:36:44 All postprocessing on table 'planet_osm_roads' done
> in 1334s (22m 14s).
> 2024-11-13 19:36:44 ERROR: Database error: ERROR: invalid page in block
> 25652861 of relation base/16385/8057509
> CONTEXT: parallel worker

This suggests you probably have storage issues - notice the 'page
verification failed' warnings, complaining about checksum errors. I
don't know why osm2pgsql doesn't fail right away, maybe it's not
checking the result of that command, or something like that

The most likely explanation for PG14 working is that it doesn't have
checksums enabled. In which case it may have the same issues, it just
doesn't notice that.

Are there any suspicious I/O errors in dmesg, or something like that? I
don't know which filesystem you use, but maybe try with something that
has thorough checksumming (like zfs), or check mount options.


Tomas Vondra