Hi again,
> If you discover any problems with our tools and/or find a way to
> reproduce your issue with them please let us know.
On second look your report just doesn't make sense:
[USER@HOST ~]$ psql -p 54372 -U $(whoami) osm -c "CREATE EXTENSION hstore;"
2024-11-13 12:58:52 osm2pgsql version 1.11.0
2024-11-13 12:58:52 Database version: 17.0 (Ubuntu 17.0-1.pgdg24.10+1)
2024-11-13 12:58:52 PostGIS version: 3.5
2024-11-13 12:58:52 Storing properties to table
2024-11-13 12:58:52 ERROR: Unable to open flatnode file
'/mnt/faststorage/flatnodes/flatnode-osmdata': No such file or
[USER@HOST ~]$ osm2pgsql --create --database osm --port 54372 --cache
80000 --number-processes 8 Téléchargements/planet-241028.osm.pbf -k
--slim --flat-nodes /mnt/faststorage/flatnodes/flatnode-osmdata
2024-11-13 12:59:55 osm2pgsql version 1.11.0
2024-11-13 12:59:55 Database version: 17.0 (Ubuntu 17.0-1.pgdg24.10+1)
2024-11-13 12:59:55 PostGIS version: 3.5
Here you show some output of osm2pgsql before executing it.
You will have to provide a better bug report if you expect any help
from the community. Ideally in terms "I execute steps 1 2 and 3 using
the following tools from the PostgreSQL distribution. On step 3 I get
the result X while the expected result is Y". You'll have to figure
the rest by yourself, sorry.
Best regards,
Aleksander Alekseev