Thread: Re: pgsql: Improve default and empty privilege outputs in psql.

Re: pgsql: Improve default and empty privilege outputs in psql.

Christoph Berg
Re: Tom Lane
> Improve default and empty privilege outputs in psql.

I'm sorry to report this when 17.0 has already been wrapped, but this
change is breaking `psql -l` against 9.3-or-earlier servers:

$ /usr/lib/postgresql/17/bin/psql
psql (17rc1 (Debian 17~rc1-1.pgdg+2), Server 9.3.25)
Geben Sie »help« für Hilfe ein.

postgres =# \set ECHO_HIDDEN on
postgres =# \l
/******* ANFRAGE ********/
  d.datname as "Name",
  pg_catalog.pg_get_userbyid(d.datdba) as "Owner",
  pg_catalog.pg_encoding_to_char(d.encoding) as "Encoding",
  'libc' AS "Locale Provider",
  d.datcollate as "Collate",
  d.datctype as "Ctype",
  NULL as "Locale",
  NULL as "ICU Rules",
  CASE WHEN pg_catalog.cardinality(d.datacl) = 0 THEN '(none)' ELSE pg_catalog.array_to_string(d.datacl, E'\n') END AS
FROM pg_catalog.pg_database d

FEHLER:  42883: Funktion pg_catalog.cardinality(aclitem[]) existiert nicht
ZEILE 10:   CASE WHEN pg_catalog.cardinality(d.datacl) = 0 THEN '(none...
TIP:  Keine Funktion stimmt mit dem angegebenen Namen und den Argumenttypen überein. Sie müssen möglicherweise
ausdrücklicheTypumwandlungen hinzufügen.
ORT:  ParseFuncOrColumn, parse_func.c:299

The psql docs aren't really explicit about which old versions are
still supported, but there's some mentioning that \d should work back
to 9.2:

      <para><application>psql</application> works best with servers of the same
       or an older major version.  Backslash commands are particularly likely
       to fail if the server is of a newer version than <application>psql</application>
       itself.  However, backslash commands of the <literal>\d</literal> family should
       work with servers of versions back to 9.2, though not necessarily with
       servers newer than <application>psql</application> itself.

\l seems a tad more important even.


Re: pgsql: Improve default and empty privilege outputs in psql.

Tom Lane
Christoph Berg <> writes:
> Re: Tom Lane
>> Improve default and empty privilege outputs in psql.

> I'm sorry to report this when 17.0 has already been wrapped, but this
> change is breaking `psql -l` against 9.3-or-earlier servers:
> FEHLER:  42883: Funktion pg_catalog.cardinality(aclitem[]) existiert nicht

Grumble.  Well, if that's the worst bug in 17.0 we should all be
very pleased indeed ;-).  I'll see about fixing it after the
release freeze lifts.

> The psql docs aren't really explicit about which old versions are
> still supported, but there's some mentioning that \d should work back
> to 9.2:

Yes, that's the expectation.  I'm sure we can think of a more
backwards-compatible way to test for empty datacl, though.

            regards, tom lane