Thread: [PROPOSAL] : Disallow use of empty column name in (column_name '') in ALTER or CREATE of foreign table.
[PROPOSAL] : Disallow use of empty column name in (column_name '') in ALTER or CREATE of foreign table.
Nishant Sharma
Actual column names used while creation of foreign table are not allowed to be an
empty string, but when we use column_name as an empty string in OPTIONS during
empty string, but when we use column_name as an empty string in OPTIONS during
CREATE or ALTER of foreign tables, it is allowed.
1) CREATE FOREIGN TABLE test_fdw("" VARCHAR(15), id VARCHAR(5)) SERVER localhost_fdw OPTIONS (schema_name 'public', table_name 'test');
ERROR: zero-length delimited identifier at or near """"
2) CREATE FOREIGN TABLE test_fdw(name VARCHAR(15) OPTIONS (column_name ''), id VARCHAR(5)) SERVER localhost_fdw OPTIONS (schema_name 'public', table_name 'test');
postgres@43832=#\d test_fdw
Foreign table "public.test_fdw"
Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | FDW options
name | character varying(15) | | | | (column_name '')
id | character varying(5) | | | |
Server: localhost_fdw
FDW options: (schema_name 'public', table_name 'test')
1) CREATE FOREIGN TABLE test_fdw("" VARCHAR(15), id VARCHAR(5)) SERVER localhost_fdw OPTIONS (schema_name 'public', table_name 'test');
ERROR: zero-length delimited identifier at or near """"
2) CREATE FOREIGN TABLE test_fdw(name VARCHAR(15) OPTIONS (column_name ''), id VARCHAR(5)) SERVER localhost_fdw OPTIONS (schema_name 'public', table_name 'test');
postgres@43832=#\d test_fdw
Foreign table "public.test_fdw"
Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | FDW options
name | character varying(15) | | | | (column_name '')
id | character varying(5) | | | |
Server: localhost_fdw
FDW options: (schema_name 'public', table_name 'test')
Due to the above, when we try to simply select a remote table, the remote query uses
the empty column name from the FDW column option and the select fails.
1) select * from test_fdw;
ERROR: zero-length delimited identifier at or near """"
CONTEXT: remote SQL command: SELECT "", id FROM public.test
2) explain verbose select * from test_fdw;
Foreign Scan on public.test_fdw (cost=100.00..297.66 rows=853 width=72)
Output: name, id
Remote SQL: SELECT "", id FROM public.test
(3 rows)
1) select * from test_fdw;
ERROR: zero-length delimited identifier at or near """"
CONTEXT: remote SQL command: SELECT "", id FROM public.test
2) explain verbose select * from test_fdw;
Foreign Scan on public.test_fdw (cost=100.00..297.66 rows=853 width=72)
Output: name, id
Remote SQL: SELECT "", id FROM public.test
(3 rows)
We can fix this issue either during fetching of FDW column option names while
building remote query or we do not allow at CREATE or ALTER of foreign tables itself.
building remote query or we do not allow at CREATE or ALTER of foreign tables itself.
We think it would be better to disallow adding the column_name option as empty in
CREATE or ALTER itself as we do not allow empty actual column names for a foreign
table. Unless I missed to understand the purpose of allowing column_name as empty.
1) CREATE FOREIGN TABLE test_fdw(name VARCHAR(15) OPTIONS (column_name ''), id VARCHAR(5)) SERVER localhost_fdw OPTIONS (schema_name 'public', table_name 'test');
ERROR: column generic option name cannot be empty
2) CREATE FOREIGN TABLE test_fdw(name VARCHAR(15), id VARCHAR(5)) SERVER localhost_fdw OPTIONS (schema_name 'public', table_name 'test');
ALTER FOREIGN TABLE test_fdw ALTER COLUMN id OPTIONS (column_name '');
ERROR: column generic option name cannot be empty
PFA, the fix and test cases patches attached. I ran "make check world" and do
not see any failure related to patches. But, I do see an existing failure
Thanks to Jeevan Chalke and Suraj Kharage for their inputs for the proposal.
1) CREATE FOREIGN TABLE test_fdw(name VARCHAR(15) OPTIONS (column_name ''), id VARCHAR(5)) SERVER localhost_fdw OPTIONS (schema_name 'public', table_name 'test');
ERROR: column generic option name cannot be empty
2) CREATE FOREIGN TABLE test_fdw(name VARCHAR(15), id VARCHAR(5)) SERVER localhost_fdw OPTIONS (schema_name 'public', table_name 'test');
ALTER FOREIGN TABLE test_fdw ALTER COLUMN id OPTIONS (column_name '');
ERROR: column generic option name cannot be empty
PFA, the fix and test cases patches attached. I ran "make check world" and do
not see any failure related to patches. But, I do see an existing failure
Thanks to Jeevan Chalke and Suraj Kharage for their inputs for the proposal.
Re: [PROPOSAL] : Disallow use of empty column name in (column_name '') in ALTER or CREATE of foreign table.
Tom Lane
Nishant Sharma <> writes: > Actual column names used while creation of foreign table are not allowed to > be an > empty string, but when we use column_name as an empty string in OPTIONS > during > CREATE or ALTER of foreign tables, it is allowed. Is this really a bug? The valid remote names are determined by whatever underlies the FDW, and I doubt we should assume that SQL syntax restrictions apply to every FDW. Perhaps it would be reasonable to apply such checks locally in SQL-based FDWs, but I object to assuming such things at the level of ATExecAlterColumnGenericOptions. More generally, I don't see any meaningful difference between this mistake and the more common one of misspelling the remote column name, which is something we're not going to be able to check for (at least not in anything like this way). If you wanted to move the ease-of-use goalposts materially, you should be looking for a way to do that. regards, tom lane
Re: [PROPOSAL] : Disallow use of empty column name in (column_name '') in ALTER or CREATE of foreign table.
Ashutosh Bapat
On Fri, Aug 16, 2024 at 8:26 PM Tom Lane <> wrote: > > Nishant Sharma <> writes: > > Actual column names used while creation of foreign table are not allowed to > > be an > > empty string, but when we use column_name as an empty string in OPTIONS > > during > > CREATE or ALTER of foreign tables, it is allowed. > > Is this really a bug? The valid remote names are determined by > whatever underlies the FDW, and I doubt we should assume that > SQL syntax restrictions apply to every FDW. Perhaps it would > be reasonable to apply such checks locally in SQL-based FDWs, > but I object to assuming such things at the level of > ATExecAlterColumnGenericOptions. I agree. > > More generally, I don't see any meaningful difference between > this mistake and the more common one of misspelling the remote > column name, which is something we're not going to be able > to check for (at least not in anything like this way). If > you wanted to move the ease-of-use goalposts materially, > you should be looking for a way to do that. I think this check should be delegated to an FDW validator. -- Best Wishes, Ashutosh Bapat
Re: [PROPOSAL] : Disallow use of empty column name in (column_name '') in ALTER or CREATE of foreign table.
Robert Haas
On Wed, Oct 9, 2024 at 7:12 AM Nishant Sharma <> wrote: > I have included them in v3. v3 does not allow empty schema_name & > table_name options along with column_name. I was looking at these patches today and trying to understand whether the proposed error message is consistent with what we have done elsewhere. The proposed error message was "cannot use empty value for option \"%s\". I looked for error messages that contained the phrase "empty" or "zero". I did not find a case exactly like this one. The closet analogues I found were things like this: invalid cursor name: must not be empty output cannot be empty string DSM segment name cannot be empty row path filter must not be empty string These messages aren't quite as consistent as one might wish, so it's a little hard to judge here. Nonetheless, I propose that the error message we use here should end with either "cannot" or "must not" followed by either "be empty" or "be empty string". I think my preferred variant would be "value for option \"%s\" must not be empty string". But there's certainly oodles of room for bikeshedding. Apart from that, I see very little to complain about here. Once we agree on the error message text I think something can be committed. For everyone's convenience, I suggest merging the two patches into one. I highly approve of separating patches by topic, but there's usually no point in separating them by directory. -- Robert Haas EDB:
Re: [PROPOSAL] : Disallow use of empty column name in (column_name '') in ALTER or CREATE of foreign table.
Nishant Sharma
Summary of this thread-
Tom had the following concern:-
Regarding location of check in
ATExecAlterColumnGenericOptions. And spell check issue
comparison. Which I believe was addressed by v2 and
its response.
Ashutosh had the suggestion:-
Check should be delegated to an FDW validator. Which I
believe was addressed in v2.
Michael had the following concern:-
We should also care about empty values in schema_name
and table_name. Which I believe I have addressed in v3
Robert had the following concern:-
Regarding error message and single patch for this. Which I
believe I have addressed in v4 patch.
Tom, Ashutosh, Michael, Robert please let me know if I was
able to address your concerns or if you feel differently.
Assuming Tom, Ashutosh, Michael and Robert feel as though
Assuming Tom, Ashutosh, Michael and Robert feel as though
I have addressed the concerns mentioned above, does anybody
have any additional feedback or concerns with this patch? If not,
I would request we move to commit phase.
Thank you!
Nishant Sharma (EDB).
Re: [PROPOSAL] : Disallow use of empty column name in (column_name '') in ALTER or CREATE of foreign table.
Robert Haas
On Thu, Dec 19, 2024 at 7:08 AM Nishant Sharma <> wrote: > Thanks Robert for your response and the review comments! > > I have addressed both your suggestions, by changing the error > message and merging both the patches to one. > > PFA, patch set v4. Cool. I don't want to commit this right before my vacation but I'll look into it in the new year if nobody beats me to it. -- Robert Haas EDB:
Re: [PROPOSAL] : Disallow use of empty column name in (column_name '') in ALTER or CREATE of foreign table.
Robert Haas
On Thu, Dec 19, 2024 at 8:29 AM Robert Haas <> wrote: > Cool. I don't want to commit this right before my vacation but I'll > look into it in the new year if nobody beats me to it. Nobody has beaten me to it, but I thought of one potential issue. Suppose that somebody has a foreign table that exists today with one of these properties set to the empty string. Such a foreign table is not usable for queries, because the queries won't make it past scan.l on the remote side, but it's allowed to exist. With this patch, it's not allowed to exist any more. That would be fine if no such objects exist in the wild, but if they do, people will get a pg_dump or pg_upgrade failure when they try to upgrade to a release that includes this change. Does that mean that we shouldn't commit this patch? I'm inclined to think that it's probably still OK, because (1) few users are likely to have such objects, (2) the workaround is easy, just drop the object or fix it to do something useful, just as users already need to do in plenty of other, similar cases and (3) unclear error messages are not great and future users might benefit from this error message being better. However, one could take the opposite position and say that (C1) it is unlikely that anyone will try to do this in the first place and (C2) the error message that is currently generated when you try to do this isn't really all that unclear, and therefore it's not worth creating even a minor dump-and-reload hazard; and that position also seems pretty defensible to me. Other opinions? -- Robert Haas EDB:
Re: [PROPOSAL] : Disallow use of empty column name in (column_name '') in ALTER or CREATE of foreign table.
Tom Lane
Robert Haas <> writes: > Nobody has beaten me to it, but I thought of one potential issue. > Suppose that somebody has a foreign table that exists today with one > of these properties set to the empty string. Such a foreign table is > not usable for queries, because the queries won't make it past scan.l > on the remote side, but it's allowed to exist. Hmm. A query not using that column would work just fine, so it's at least arguable that there are such beasts in reality and the user hasn't noticed the bug. (I doubt this, but if we're worrying about improbable failures...) > With this patch, it's > not allowed to exist any more. That would be fine if no such objects > exist in the wild, but if they do, people will get a pg_dump or > pg_upgrade failure when they try to upgrade to a release that includes > this change. Does that mean that we shouldn't commit this patch? I was down on it to start with, on the grounds that it wasn't adding enough ease-of-use to justify even a relatively small amount of added code. I'm not sure that the dump-reload failure angle is much of a concern in reality, but I would have voted not to commit before and I still do. regards, tom lane
Re: [PROPOSAL] : Disallow use of empty column name in (column_name '') in ALTER or CREATE of foreign table.
Robert Haas
On Thu, Feb 27, 2025 at 4:08 PM Tom Lane <> wrote: > I was down on it to start with, on the grounds that it wasn't adding > enough ease-of-use to justify even a relatively small amount of added > code. I'm not sure that the dump-reload failure angle is much of a > concern in reality, but I would have voted not to commit before and > I still do. OK, fair. Anyone want to argue the other side? -- Robert Haas EDB: