Thread: Getting specific partition from the partition name

Getting specific partition from the partition name

veem v
Hi ,
We are using postgres version 15.4. We have a range partition table and the partition naming convention is generated by pg_partman and is something like "table_name>_pYYYY_MM_DD".

We have a requirement of extracting specific partitions ordered by the date criteria and also do some operations on that specific date. But I am struggling and it's not working as expected.I tried something as below but it's not working.Can somebody guide me here please.

 to_date( substring('table_part_p2024_08_08' from '_p(\d{4})_(\d{2})_(\d{2})'),      'YYYY_MM_DD'
    ) < current_date

or is there any ready-made data dictionary which will give us the order of the partitions by the date and we can get hold of the specific nth partition in that table?


Re: Getting specific partition from the partition name

Greg Sabino Mullane
YYYY_MM_DD is already setup for sorting, so just do:

SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_name ~ 'table_part_p' ORDER BY 1 DESC;

If you need to grab the numbers:

SELECT substring('table_part_p2022_03_04' from '([\d_]+)$');


Re: Getting specific partition from the partition name

Ron Johnson
On Thu, Aug 8, 2024 at 4:46 PM Greg Sabino Mullane <> wrote:
YYYY_MM_DD is already setup for sorting, so just do:

SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_name ~ 'table_part_p' ORDER BY 1 DESC;

If you need to grab the numbers:

SELECT substring('table_part_p2022_03_04' from '([\d_]+)$');

What if the partitions aren't all rationally named?  There must be a pg_* table out there which contains the partition boundaries...

Death to America, and butter sauce.
Iraq lobster!

Re: Getting specific partition from the partition name

veem v
This helps. Thank you very much.

On Fri, 9 Aug 2024 at 02:15, Greg Sabino Mullane <> wrote:
YYYY_MM_DD is already setup for sorting, so just do:

SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_name ~ 'table_part_p' ORDER BY 1 DESC;

If you need to grab the numbers:

SELECT substring('table_part_p2022_03_04' from '([\d_]+)$');


Re: Getting specific partition from the partition name


On Fri, 9 Aug 2024 at 06:20, Ron Johnson <> wrote:

What if the partitions aren't all rationally named?  There must be a pg_* table out there which contains the partition boundaries...

The pg_class column relpartbound contains an internal representation of the partition boundary, when applicable.
You can decompile it into the canonical text format with pg_get_expr( expr pg_node_tree, relation oid [, pretty boolean ] ) → text.
    create table t(x int primary key) partition by list(x);
    create table u partition of t for values in (0,1);
    create table v partition of t for values in (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9);
    select oid::regclass,pg_get_expr(relpartbound,oid) from pg_class where relkind='r' and relispartition;
 oid |              pg_get_expr
 u   | FOR VALUES IN (0, 1)
 v   | FOR VALUES IN (2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9)
(2 rows)



Re: Getting specific partition from the partition name

Torsten Förtsch
If you want to convert your table name into a timestamp, you don't need substring or similar. This also works:

=# select to_date('table_part_p2024_08_08', '"table_part_p"YYYY"_"MM"_"DD');
(1 row)

But as Greg said, your strings are perfectly sortable.

On Thu, Aug 8, 2024 at 9:52 PM veem v <> wrote:
Hi ,
We are using postgres version 15.4. We have a range partition table and the partition naming convention is generated by pg_partman and is something like "table_name>_pYYYY_MM_DD".

We have a requirement of extracting specific partitions ordered by the date criteria and also do some operations on that specific date. But I am struggling and it's not working as expected.I tried something as below but it's not working.Can somebody guide me here please.

 to_date( substring('table_part_p2024_08_08' from '_p(\d{4})_(\d{2})_(\d{2})'),      'YYYY_MM_DD'
    ) < current_date

or is there any ready-made data dictionary which will give us the order of the partitions by the date and we can get hold of the specific nth partition in that table?


Re: Getting specific partition from the partition name

Thiemo Kellner
Thanks. Nice one. Would not have thought to try.