Thread: Vacuum full connection exhaustion

Vacuum full connection exhaustion

Costa Alexoglou
Hey folks,

I noticed something weird, and not sure if this is the expected behaviour or not in PostgreSQL.

So I am running Benchbase (a benchmark framework) with 50 terminals (50 concurrent connections).
There are 2-3 additional connections, one for a postgres-exporter container for example.

So far so good, and with a `max_connections` at 100 there is no problem. What happens is that if I execute manually `VACUUM FULL` the connections are exhausted.

Also tried this with 150 `max_connections` to see if it just “doubles” the current connections, but as it turned out, it still exhausted all the connections until it reached `max_connections`.

This was cross-checked, as the postgres-exporter could not connect, and I manually was not allowed to connect with `psql`.

Is this expected or is this a bug?

postgres-exporter logs:
sql: error: connection to server on socket "/var/run/postgresql/.s.PGSQL.5432" failed: FATAL:  sorry, too many clients already

Re: Vacuum full connection exhaustion

Ron Johnson
On Thu, Aug 8, 2024 at 5:18 AM Costa Alexoglou <> wrote:
Hey folks,

I noticed something weird, and not sure if this is the expected behaviour or not in PostgreSQL.

So I am running Benchbase (a benchmark framework) with 50 terminals (50 concurrent connections).
There are 2-3 additional connections, one for a postgres-exporter container for example.

So far so good, and with a `max_connections` at 100 there is no problem. What happens is that if I execute manually `VACUUM FULL`

Off-topic, but... WHY??  It almost certainly does not do what you think it does. Especially if it's just "VACUUM FULL;"

the connections are exhausted.

Connect to the relevant database and run this query.  Don't disconnect, and keep running it over and over again as you run the "VACUUM FULL;".  That'll tell you exactly what happens.
select pid
   ,datname as db
   ,application_name as app_name
        when client_hostname is not null then client_hostname
        else client_addr::text
    end AS client_name
   ,to_char((EXTRACT(epoch FROM now() - backend_start))/60.0, '99,999.00') as backend_min
   ,to_char(query_start, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS.MS') as "Query Start"
   ,to_char((EXTRACT(epoch FROM now() - query_start))/60.0, '99,999.00') as qry_min
   ,to_char(xact_start, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS.MS') as "Txn Start"
   ,to_char((EXTRACT(epoch FROM now() - xact_start)/60.0), '999.00') as txn_min
from pg_stat_activity
WHERE pid != pg_backend_pid()
order by 6 desc;

Also tried this with 150 `max_connections` to see if it just “doubles” the current connections, but as it turned out, it still exhausted all the connections until it reached `max_connections`.

Double it again?

This was cross-checked, as the postgres-exporter could not connect, and I manually was not allowed to connect with `psql`.

Is this expected or is this a bug?
Depends on what you set these to:

Death to America, and butter sauce!
Iraq lobster...

Re: Vacuum full connection exhaustion

Francisco Olarte
On Thu, 8 Aug 2024 at 11:18, Costa Alexoglou <> wrote:
> So I am running Benchbase (a benchmark framework) with 50 terminals (50 concurrent connections).
> There are 2-3 additional connections, one for a postgres-exporter container for example.
> So far so good, and with a `max_connections` at 100 there is no problem. What happens is that if I execute manually
`VACUUMFULL` the connections are exhausted. 
> Also tried this with 150 `max_connections` to see if it just “doubles” the current connections, but as it turned out,
itstill exhausted all the connections until it reached `max_connections`. 
> This was cross-checked, as the postgres-exporter could not connect, and I manually was not allowed to connect with

Have you tried to check where the connections are coming from and what
are they doing? Apart from the max-paralell-worker stuff already
commented by Ron in an scenario with a long live locking processes (
vacuum full ) combined with potentially aggresive connecting ( a
benchmark tool ) I would verify the benchmark tool is not timing out
and disconnecting improperly leaving connections hung up.

Francisco Olarte.

Re: Vacuum full connection exhaustion

Christophe Pettus

> On Aug 7, 2024, at 10:34, Costa Alexoglou <> wrote:
> Hey folks,
> I noticed something weird, and not sure if this is the expected behaviour or not in PostgreSQL.
> So I am running Benchbase (a benchmark framework) with 50 terminals (50 concurrent connections).
> There are 2-3 additional connections, one for a postgres-exporter container for example.
> So far so good, and with a `max_connections` at 100 there is no problem. What happens is that if I execute manually
`VACUUMFULL` the connections are exhausted. 

VACUUM FULL takes an exclusive lock on the table that it is operating on.  It's possible that a connection becomes
blockedon that exclusive lock waiting for the VACUUM FULL to finish, the application sees the connection stopped and
firesup another one (this is common in container-based applications), that one blocks... until all of the connections
arefull of queries waiting on that VACUUM FULL. 

Re: Vacuum full connection exhaustion

David Rowley
On Fri, 9 Aug 2024 at 02:12, Christophe Pettus <> wrote:
> VACUUM FULL takes an exclusive lock on the table that it is operating on.  It's possible that a connection becomes
blockedon that exclusive lock waiting for the VACUUM FULL to finish, the application sees the connection stopped and
firesup another one (this is common in container-based applications), that one blocks... until all of the connections
arefull of queries waiting on that VACUUM FULL. 

I also imagine this is the cause. One way to test would be to do:
BEGIN; LOCK TABLE <name of table>; and see if the connections pile up
in a similar way to when the VACUUM FULL command is used.


Re: Vacuum full connection exhaustion

Ron Johnson
On Thu, Aug 8, 2024 at 10:12 AM Christophe Pettus <> wrote:

> On Aug 7, 2024, at 10:34, Costa Alexoglou <> wrote:
> Hey folks,
> I noticed something weird, and not sure if this is the expected behaviour or not in PostgreSQL.
> So I am running Benchbase (a benchmark framework) with 50 terminals (50 concurrent connections).
> There are 2-3 additional connections, one for a postgres-exporter container for example.
> So far so good, and with a `max_connections` at 100 there is no problem. What happens is that if I execute manually `VACUUM FULL` the connections are exhausted.

VACUUM FULL takes an exclusive lock on the table that it is operating on.  It's possible that a connection becomes blocked on that exclusive lock waiting for the VACUUM FULL to finish, the application sees the connection stopped and fires up another one (this is common in container-based applications), that one blocks... until all of the connections are full of queries waiting on that VACUUM FULL.

"I see a lock, so let's cause another one!"  That's crazy.

Death to America, and butter sauce.
Iraq lobster!

Re: Vacuum full connection exhaustion

Christophe Pettus

> On Aug 8, 2024, at 21:15, Ron Johnson <> wrote:
> "I see a lock, so let's cause another one!"  That's crazy.

It's more "Oh, look, I need a connection to service this web request, but my pool is empty, so I'll just fire up a new
connectionto the server," lather, rinse, repeat.  Pretty common these days, sadly. 

Re: Vacuum full connection exhaustion

Costa Alexoglou
On Fri, Aug 9, 2024 at 1:02 AM David Rowley <> wrote:
On Fri, 9 Aug 2024 at 02:12, Christophe Pettus <> wrote:
> VACUUM FULL takes an exclusive lock on the table that it is operating on.  It's possible that a connection becomes blocked on that exclusive lock waiting for the VACUUM FULL to finish, the application sees the connection stopped and fires up another one (this is common in container-based applications), that one blocks... until all of the connections are full of queries waiting on that VACUUM FULL.

I also imagine this is the cause. One way to test would be to do:
BEGIN; LOCK TABLE <name of table>; and see if the connections pile up
in a similar way to when the VACUUM FULL command is used.


Thanks folks. David really straight-forward way to test. I validated this, when I lock the two tables involved in the benchmark the connections are constantly growing until they reach the `max_connections`