Thread: Query results vary depending on the plan cache mode used

Query results vary depending on the plan cache mode used

Richard Guo
While working on the grouping sets patches for queries with GROUP BY
items that are constants, I noticed $subject on master.  As an
example, consider

prepare q1(int) as
select $1 as c1, $1 as c2 from generate_series(1,2) t group by rollup(c1);

set plan_cache_mode to force_custom_plan;
execute q1(3);
 c1 | c2
  3 |  3
    |  3
(2 rows)

set plan_cache_mode to force_generic_plan;
execute q1(3);
 c1 | c2
  3 |  3
(2 rows)

The reason can be seen in the plans under different modes.

-- force_custom_plan
explain (verbose, costs off) execute q1(3);
                     QUERY PLAN
   Output: (3), 3
   Group Key: 3
   Group Key: ()
   ->  Function Scan on pg_catalog.generate_series t
         Output: 3
         Function Call: generate_series(1, 2)
(7 rows)

-- force_generic_plan
explain (verbose, costs off) execute q1(3);
                     QUERY PLAN
   Output: ($1), ($1)
   Group Key: $1
   Group Key: ()
   ->  Function Scan on pg_catalog.generate_series t
         Output: $1
         Function Call: generate_series(1, 2)
(7 rows)

In custom mode, the target entry 'c2' is a Const expression, and
setrefs.c does not replace it with an OUTER_VAR, despite there happens
to be an identical Const below.  As a result, when this OUTER_VAR goes
to NULL due to the grouping sets, 'c2' remains as constant 3.  Look at
this code in search_indexed_tlist_for_non_var:

 * If it's a simple Const, replacing it with a Var is silly, even if there
 * happens to be an identical Const below; a Var is more expensive to
 * execute than a Const.  What's more, replacing it could confuse some
 * places in the executor that expect to see simple Consts for, eg,
 * dropped columns.
if (IsA(node, Const))
    return NULL;

In generic mode, the target entry 'c2' is a Param expression, and is
replaced with the OUTER_VAR (indicated by the parentheses around the
second '$1').  So it goes to NULL when we're grouping by the set that
does not contain this Var.

Is this inconsistent behavior in different plan cache modes expected,
or does it indicate a bug that needs to be fixed?


Re: Query results vary depending on the plan cache mode used

Tom Lane
Richard Guo <> writes:
> While working on the grouping sets patches for queries with GROUP BY
> items that are constants, I noticed $subject on master.  As an
> example, consider

This particular example seems like it's just an illustration of
our known bugs with grouping sets using non-Var columns.  I see
no reason to blame the plan cache for it.  Do you have any
examples that don't depend on such a bug?

(And yes, I apologize for not yet having reviewed your patch
to fix the grouping-sets bug.)

            regards, tom lane

Re: Query results vary depending on the plan cache mode used

Richard Guo
On Thu, Aug 1, 2024 at 10:34 PM Tom Lane <> wrote:
> Richard Guo <> writes:
> > While working on the grouping sets patches for queries with GROUP BY
> > items that are constants, I noticed $subject on master.  As an
> > example, consider
> This particular example seems like it's just an illustration of
> our known bugs with grouping sets using non-Var columns.  I see
> no reason to blame the plan cache for it.  Do you have any
> examples that don't depend on such a bug?

Yeah, it's not the fault of the plan cache.  I noticed this because in
check_ungrouped_columns, both Const and Param are treated as always
acceptable.  However, in setrefs.c these two expression types are
handled differently: Const is never matched to the lower tlist, while
Param is always attempted to be matched to the lower tlist.  This
discrepancy causes the query in the example to behave differently
depending on the plan cache mode.

I'm unsure which behavior is the expected one.

Another related question I have is about the behavior of the following

select 3 as c1, 3 as c2 from generate_series(1,2) t group by
rollup(c1) having 3 = 3;

Should the target entry 'c2', as well as the Const expressions in
havingQual, be replaced with references to the grouping key?


Re: Query results vary depending on the plan cache mode used

Tom Lane
Richard Guo <> writes:
> Yeah, it's not the fault of the plan cache.  I noticed this because in
> check_ungrouped_columns, both Const and Param are treated as always
> acceptable.  However, in setrefs.c these two expression types are
> handled differently: Const is never matched to the lower tlist, while
> Param is always attempted to be matched to the lower tlist.  This
> discrepancy causes the query in the example to behave differently
> depending on the plan cache mode.

> I'm unsure which behavior is the expected one.

I'm unsure why you think they need to have the same behavior.

This code is correct given the assumption that a Const is as constant
as it seems on the surface.  The trouble we're hitting is that in
the presence of grouping-set keys that reduce to Consts, a reference
to such a key is *not* constant.  The right answer to that IMO is to
not represent those references as plain Const nodes.

> Another related question I have is about the behavior of the following
> query:

> select 3 as c1, 3 as c2 from generate_series(1,2) t group by
> rollup(c1) having 3 = 3;

> Should the target entry 'c2', as well as the Const expressions in
> havingQual, be replaced with references to the grouping key?

This seems rather analogous to our occasional debates about whether
textually distinct uses of "random()" should refer to the same
value or different evaluations.  I can't get very excited about it,
because it seems to me this is an academic example not corresponding
to any real use-case.  The current code seems to effectively assume
that the constant-instances are distinct even though textually
identical, and that's fine with me.

            regards, tom lane