Thread: BUG #18556: Parallel operation error during CREATE TABLE AS statement

BUG #18556: Parallel operation error during CREATE TABLE AS statement

PG Bug reporting form
The following bug has been logged on the website:

Bug reference:      18556
Logged by:          Shaun Thomas
Email address:
PostgreSQL version: 16.3
Operating system:   Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS

We have been witnessing an intermittent error from a Postgres 16.3 instance
if a table is created using a SELECT statement. The error is:

ERROR: cannot start commands during a parallel operation

The statement itself is very innocuous:

CREATE TEMP TABLE parallel_bonk AS (
    FROM some_schema.source_table
    WHERE document_key ->> '_id' IN ('xyz', 'pdq')

Just to eliminate some potential variables, this is a 54-million row HEAP
table with the following definition:

              Column               |           Type           | Collation |
Nullable | Default 
 _id                               | jsonb                    |           |
not null | 
 operation_type                    | text                     |           |
 full_document                     | jsonb                    |           |
 ns_db                             | text                     |           |
 ns_coll                           | text                     |           |
 to_db                             | text                     |           |
 to_coll                           | text                     |           |
 document_key                      | jsonb                    |           |
not null | 
 update_description_updated_fields | jsonb                    |           |
 update_description_removed_fields | text[]                   |           |
 cluster_time                      | jsonb                    |           |
 txn_number                        | bigint                   |           |
 lsid_id                           | text                     |           |
 lsid_uid                          | text                     |           |
 kafka_topic                       | text                     |           |
not null | 
 kafka_partition                   | integer                  |           |
not null | 
 kafka_offset                      | bigint                   |           |
not null | 
 kafka_timestamp                   | timestamp with time zone |           |
not null | 
    "source_table_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (document_key)
    "source_table_kafka_offset_idx" UNIQUE, btree (kafka_offset DESC)

Note that there are no triggers, rules, constraints, partitions, or any
parallel-unsafe entities associated with this table. The associated query
plan looks like this:

                                         QUERY PLAN
 Gather  (cost=1000.00..4045627.93 rows=544751 width=479)
   Workers Planned: 8
   ->  Parallel Seq Scan on source_table  (cost=0.00..3990152.83 rows=68094
         Filter: ((document_key ->> '_id'::text) = ANY
   Functions: 4
   Options: Inlining true, Optimization true, Expressions true, Deforming

Note that the problem persists regardless of the JIT setting. This appears
to be related to the parallel workers in some manner. We haven't been able
to distill this down to a simple or reliable repro case yet, as the problem
seems to occur entirely at random, suggesting it's some kind of parallel
operation race condition.

There have been other similar discussions regarding the dbt Postgres ETL
toolkit. It appears this ETL kit utilizes a loading procedure that is more
likely to trigger this edge case.

Re: BUG #18556: Parallel operation error during CREATE TABLE AS statement

Aleksander Alekseev

> We have been witnessing an intermittent error from a Postgres 16.3 instance
> if a table is created using a SELECT statement. The error is:
> ERROR: cannot start commands during a parallel operation
> [...]

I tried to reproduce the issue on debug and release builds of
PostgreSQL `master` and `REL_16_STABLE` on different hardware and
didn't succeed so far.

Here are the queries I used:

  name TEXT,
  phone BIGINT);

INSERT INTO phonebook
  SELECT i, 'name_' || i, i # 0xDEADBEEF
  FROM generate_series(1, 54_000_000) AS i;

SET parallel_tuple_cost = 0;

-- execute several times:
-- make sure Parallel Seq Scan is used with EXPLAIN ANALYZE
CREATE [TEMP] TABLE pb_subset AS (
  SELECT id, name
  FROM phonebook
  WHERE phone > [choose a number]

If you could provide minimal steps that reproduce the issue on your
hardware this would be helpful. Please let us know whether the issue
reproduces on PostgreSQL 17 beta, or only on 16.3. Also please give us
a little more details about the hardware.

Best regards,
Aleksander Alekseev

I need to rescind this report.

It turns out the customer in question had set the default table access method to columnar, and in this case, it was the Hydra columnar extension causing the issue. It turns out that this is a known bug:

They had thought it was fixed with this PR:

But that turned out not to be the case. I re-submitted a bug report with a more thorough writeup to them:

They seem to think there's basically no way to fix this with the current extension APIs. If someone here happens to know a workaround, I'm sure they would be receptive.


Re: BUG #18556: Parallel operation error during CREATE TABLE AS statement

Aleksander Alekseev

> They seem to think there's basically no way to fix this with the current extension APIs. If someone here happens to
knowa workaround, I'm sure they would be receptive.

To my knowledge TableAM was never designed to build columnar storages.
The main idea was implementing an undo-logged engine and maybe
index-organized tables.

If Hydra developers know how to improve TableAMs in order to make
columnar storage implementation easier / more efficient I'm certain
their input will be welcomed in the pgsql-hackers@ mailing list.

Best regards,
Aleksander Alekseev