Thread: tls 1.3: sending multiple tickets

tls 1.3: sending multiple tickets

Andres Freund

To investigate an unrelated issue, I set up key logging in the backend (we
probably should build that in) and looked at the decrypted data.  And noticed
that just after TLS setup finished the server sends three packets in a row:

C->S: TLSv1.3: finished
C->S: TLSv1.3: application data (startup message)
S->C: TLSv1.3: new session ticket
S->C: TLSv1.3: new session ticket
S->C: TLSv1.3: application data (authentication ok, parameter status+)

We try to turn off session resumption, but not completely enough for 1.3:
           SSL/TLS supports two mechanisms for resuming sessions: session ids and stateless session tickets.

           When using session ids a copy of the session information is cached on the server and a unique id is sent to
theclient. When the client  wishes  to
           resume it provides the unique id so that the server can retrieve the session information from its cache.

           When  using  stateless  session  tickets the server uses a session ticket encryption key to encrypt the
sessioninformation. This encrypted data is
           sent to the client as a "ticket". When the client wishes to resume it sends the encrypted data back to the
server. The  server  uses  its  key  to
           decrypt the data and resume the session. In this way the server can operate statelessly - no session
informationneeds to be cached locally.

           The  TLSv1.3  protocol  only  supports  tickets and does not directly support session ids. However, OpenSSL
allowstwo modes of ticket operation in
           TLSv1.3: stateful and stateless. Stateless tickets work the same way as in TLSv1.2 and below.  Stateful
tickets mimic  the  session  id  behaviour
           available  in TLSv1.2 and below.  The session information is cached on the server and the session id is
wrappedup in a ticket and sent back to the
           client. When the client wishes to resume, it presents a ticket in the same way as for stateless tickets. The
servercan then extract the session id
           from the ticket and retrieve the session information from its cache.

           By default OpenSSL will use stateless tickets. The SSL_OP_NO_TICKET option will cause stateless tickets to
notbe issued. In TLSv1.2 and below this
           means no ticket gets sent to the client at all. In TLSv1.3 a stateful ticket will be sent. This is a
server-sideoption only.

           In TLSv1.3 it  is  possible  to  suppress  all  tickets  (stateful  and  stateless)  from  being  sent  by
calling SSL_CTX_set_num_tickets(3)  or

Note the second to last paragraph: Because we use SSL_OP_NO_TICKET we trigger
use of stateful tickets. Which afaict are never going to be useful, because we
don't share the necessary state.

I guess openssl really could have inferred this from the fact that we *do*
call SSL_CTX_set_session_cache_mode(SSL_SESS_CACHE_OFF), b

Seems we ought to use SSL_CTX_set_num_tickets() to prevent issuing the useless

It seems like a buglet in openssl that it forces each session tickets to be
sent in its own packet (it does an explicit BIO_flush(), so even if we
buffered between openssl and OS, as I think we should, we'd still send it
separately), but I don't really understand most of this stuff.


Andres Freund

Re: tls 1.3: sending multiple tickets

Daniel Gustafsson
> On 17 Jun 2024, at 19:38, Andres Freund <> wrote:

> Note the second to last paragraph: Because we use SSL_OP_NO_TICKET we trigger
> use of stateful tickets. Which afaict are never going to be useful, because we
> don't share the necessary state.

Nice catch, I learned something new today.  I was under the impression that the
flag turned of all tickets but clearly not.

> I guess openssl really could have inferred this from the fact that we *do*
> call SSL_CTX_set_session_cache_mode(SSL_SESS_CACHE_OFF), b

Every day with the OpenSSL API is an adventure.

> Seems we ought to use SSL_CTX_set_num_tickets() to prevent issuing the useless
> tickets?

Agreed, in 1.1.1 and above as the API was only introduced then.  LibreSSL added
the API in 3.5.4 but only for compatibility since it doesn't support TLS
tickets at all.

> It seems like a buglet in openssl that it forces each session tickets to be
> sent in its own packet (it does an explicit BIO_flush(), so even if we
> buffered between openssl and OS, as I think we should, we'd still send it
> separately), but I don't really understand most of this stuff.

I don't see anything in the RFCs so not sure.

The attached applies this, and I think this is backpatching material since we
arguably fail to do what we say in the code.  AFAIK we don't have a hard rule
against backpatching changes to autoconf/meson?

Daniel Gustafsson
