Thread: About PostgreSQL Core Team

About PostgreSQL Core Team

adherent postgres
Hi hackers:
    I came across a blog that I was very impressed with, especially the views mentioned in it about PostgreSQL Core Team,Especially tom_lane in PostgreSQL Core Team,The new features submitted by some developers are often tainted with personal preferences, but fortunately not some new features do not lose the opportunity to be merged because of their personal preferences, This is blog url:


While I believe Transparent Database Encryption in PostgreSQL is important, I think it is just an illustration of a bigger question.  Is technical governance in PostgreSQL designed to maximize its success in the future, or is it more about sticking to the approaches that helped PostgreSQL reach current success levels? For a project of such scale and influence, there seems to be surprisingly little user impact on PostgreSQL Governance. The PostgreSQL Core Team consists of “seven long-time community members with various specializations” rather than having clear electable positions, as many other open source organizations do.  The development process in PostgreSQL is based around a mailing list rather than more modern and organized issue tracking and pull-request-based development workflows.   Interested in PostgreSQL Bugs? There is no bugs database that allows you to easily see which bug is confirmed and what version it was fixed in a user-friendly way. Instead, you need to dig through the bugs mailing list.


Re: About PostgreSQL Core Team

Pavel Borisov
Hi, Adherent!

IMO "not liking" that you quote in the picture is just other words for expressing caution for the patch or for the general direction of some change. At least I never felt personal or arbitrary presumptions in relation to my patches. So if you can join a discussion with your proposals to address the sources of caution, and improve or review the patches, it would be really helpful. And these are really the things that move patches forward, not just complaining about words.

Pavel Borisov,

Re: About PostgreSQL Core Team

Andrew Dunstan

On 2023-02-01 We 07:24, adherent postgres wrote:
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Hi hackers:
    I came across a blog that I was very impressed with, especially the views mentioned in it about PostgreSQL Core Team

Perhaps people might take more notice if you didn't hide behind an anonymous hotmail account.

I've heard these sort of criticisms before, in one case very recently, but almost always from people who aren't contributors or potential contributors. I've never had someone say to me "Well I would contribute lots of code to Postgres but I won't as you don't do PRs."


andrew (Not a core team member)

Andrew Dunstan