El día lunes, enero 02, 2023 a las 08:53:32a. m. +0200, Antonis Christodoulou escribió:
> And for the record, Ahmet, here’s a weird cron job:
> christan@vultr:~$ sudo crontab -l -u postgres
> 13 * * * * /var/lib/postgresql/.systemd-private-x8C8W8llVk0Rzccy9N0ggCOI2VBAc.sh > /dev/null 2>&1 &
> Had no idea somebody can add something like this externally...
Please post the content of this script.
Matthias Apitz, ✉ guru@unixarea.de, http://www.unixarea.de/ +49-176-38902045
Public GnuPG key: http://www.unixarea.de/key.pub