Thread: BUG #17525: Range partition by date won't allow the use of a date that is the upper bound

The following bug has been logged on the website:

Bug reference:      17525
Logged by:          Allen Sutton
Email address:
PostgreSQL version: 14.4
Operating system:   Ubuntu 22.04LTS

I have a table that I have partitioned by a field est_date (date).

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS avm.avm_history_part
    model_type character varying(4) COLLATE pg_catalog."default",
    model_id integer,
    est_date date NOT NULL,
    address_id integer,
    est integer,
    conf numeric(8,4),
    comps_used bigint,
    last smallint DEFAULT 0,
    est_id integer NOT NULL DEFAULT
    est_smoothed integer,
    dipid character varying(20) COLLATE pg_catalog."default",
    fsd numeric(4,1)
) PARTITION BY RANGE (est_date);

The partitions of this table are created with a range of a month.

e.g. CREATE TABLE avm.avm_history_201704 PARTITION OF avm.avm_history_part
    FOR VALUES FROM ('2017-04-01') TO ('2017-04-30');

This seems to be causing issues in two ways: -
1. When I prepare a table and then add it as a partition with a date range
and est_date in rows equal to the upper bound of the range, Postgres gives
me an error that it can't find a partition for the date
2. When I try update a row and set the value of est_date to the upper range,
I get an update error such as

ERROR:  new row for relation "avm_history_201704" violates partition
DETAIL:  Failing row contains (A, 11, 2017-04-30, 46846, 1270000, 0.2647, 7,
0, 26563523, 1246000, NZ82047105, 39.9).
SQL state: 23514

I need assistance to work out what I have done wrong if anything and how to
resolve this issue

I have found the secret! I need to specify the upper bound to be the 1st of the next month as the partition constraint
isa < not <= check

So my former definition

partition=> \d+ avm.avm_history_201704
                                                                      Table "avm.avm_history_201704"
    Column    |         Type          | Collation | Nullable |                        Default                        |
Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description

 model_type   | character varying(4)  |           |          |                                                       |
extended|             |              |
 model_id     | integer               |           |          |                                                       |
plain   |             |              |
 est_date     | date                  |           | not null |                                                       |
plain   |             |              |
 address_id   | integer               |           |          |                                                       |
plain   |             |              |
 est          | integer               |           |          |                                                       |
plain   |             |              |
 conf         | numeric(8,4)          |           |          |                                                       |
main    |             |              |
 comps_used   | bigint                |           |          |                                                       |
plain   |             |              |
 last         | smallint              |           |          | 0                                                     |
plain   |             |              |
 est_id       | integer               |           | not null | nextval('avm.avm_history_part_est_id_seq1'::regclass) |
plain   |             |              |
 est_smoothed | integer               |           |          |                                                       |
plain   |             |              |
 dipid        | character varying(20) |           |          |                                                       |
extended|             |              |
 fsd          | numeric(4,1)          |           |          |                                                       |
main    |             |              |
Partition of: avm.avm_history_part FOR VALUES FROM ('2017-04-01') TO ('2017-04-30')
Partition constraint: ((est_date IS NOT NULL) AND (est_date >= '2017-04-01'::date) AND (est_date <
    "avm_history_201704_est_date_idx" btree (est_date)
    "avm_history_201704_est_date_idx1" btree (est_date)
    "avm_history_201704_est_id_est_date_idx" UNIQUE, btree (est_id, est_date)
    "avm_history_201704_model_id_est_date_dipid_idx" UNIQUE, btree (model_id, est_date, dipid)
Access method: heap


partition=> \d+ avm.avm_history_201704
                                                                      Table "avm.avm_history_201704"
    Column    |         Type          | Collation | Nullable |                        Default                        |
Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description

 model_type   | character varying(4)  |           |          |                                                       |
extended|             |              |
 model_id     | integer               |           |          |                                                       |
plain   |             |              |
 est_date     | date                  |           | not null |                                                       |
plain   |             |              |
 address_id   | integer               |           |          |                                                       |
plain   |             |              |
 est          | integer               |           |          |                                                       |
plain   |             |              |
 conf         | numeric(8,4)          |           |          |                                                       |
main    |             |              |
 comps_used   | bigint                |           |          |                                                       |
plain   |             |              |
 last         | smallint              |           |          | 0                                                     |
plain   |             |              |
 est_id       | integer               |           | not null | nextval('avm.avm_history_part_est_id_seq1'::regclass) |
plain   |             |              |
 est_smoothed | integer               |           |          |                                                       |
plain   |             |              |
 dipid        | character varying(20) |           |          |                                                       |
extended|             |              |
 fsd          | numeric(4,1)          |           |          |                                                       |
main    |             |              |
Partition of: avm.avm_history_part FOR VALUES FROM ('2017-04-01') TO ('2017-05-01')
Partition constraint: ((est_date IS NOT NULL) AND (est_date >= '2017-04-01'::date) AND (est_date < '2017-05-01'::date))
          <-----  This will work
    "avm_history_201704_est_date_idx" btree (est_date)
    "avm_history_201704_est_date_idx1" btree (est_date)
    "avm_history_201704_est_id_est_date_idx" UNIQUE, btree (est_id, est_date)
    "avm_history_201704_model_id_est_date_dipid_idx" UNIQUE, btree (model_id, est_date, dipid)
Access method: heap

Please close this bug.

Allen Sutton
Allen Sutton
Senior Data Analyst 
m: +64 27 272 8886  w:
Wellington, New Zealand
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-----Original Message-----
From: PG Bug reporting form <> 
Sent: Wednesday, 22 June 2022 11:12 am
Cc: Allen Sutton <>
Subject: BUG #17525: Range partition by date won't allow the use of a date that is the upper bound

Caution: This email originated from outside the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you
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The following bug has been logged on the website:

Bug reference:      17525
Logged by:          Allen Sutton
Email address:
PostgreSQL version: 14.4
Operating system:   Ubuntu 22.04LTS

I have a table that I have partitioned by a field est_date (date).

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS avm.avm_history_part (
    model_type character varying(4) COLLATE pg_catalog."default",
    model_id integer,
    est_date date NOT NULL,
    address_id integer,
    est integer,
    conf numeric(8,4),
    comps_used bigint,
    last smallint DEFAULT 0,
    est_id integer NOT NULL DEFAULT
    est_smoothed integer,
    dipid character varying(20) COLLATE pg_catalog."default",
    fsd numeric(4,1)
) PARTITION BY RANGE (est_date);

The partitions of this table are created with a range of a month.

e.g. CREATE TABLE avm.avm_history_201704 PARTITION OF avm.avm_history_part
    FOR VALUES FROM ('2017-04-01') TO ('2017-04-30');

This seems to be causing issues in two ways: - 1. When I prepare a table and then add it as a partition with a date
rangeand est_date in rows equal to the upper bound of the range, Postgres gives me an error that it can't find a
partitionfor the date 2. When I try update a row and set the value of est_date to the upper range, I get an update
errorsuch as

ERROR:  new row for relation "avm_history_201704" violates partition constraint
DETAIL:  Failing row contains (A, 11, 2017-04-30, 46846, 1270000, 0.2647, 7, 0, 26563523, 1246000, NZ82047105, 39.9).
SQL state: 23514

I need assistance to work out what I have done wrong if anything and how to resolve this issue

> On Jun 21, 2022, at 16:11, PG Bug reporting form <> wrote:
> e.g. CREATE TABLE avm.avm_history_201704 PARTITION OF avm.avm_history_part
>    FOR VALUES FROM ('2017-04-01') TO ('2017-04-30');

The upper bound on a range partition is exclusive: The partition is defined as from 2017-04-01 up to, but not including
2017-04-30. If you want full-month partitions, you probably want the upper bound to be 2017-05-01 (in this example).