BUG #17525: Range partition by date won't allow the use of a date that is the upper bound - Mailing list pgsql-bugs

From PG Bug reporting form
Subject BUG #17525: Range partition by date won't allow the use of a date that is the upper bound
Msg-id 17525-ffa3a5fe34f8c6f4@postgresql.org
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Responses Re: BUG #17525: Range partition by date won't allow the use of a date that is the upper bound
RE: BUG #17525: Range partition by date won't allow the use of a date that is the upper bound
List pgsql-bugs
The following bug has been logged on the website:

Bug reference:      17525
Logged by:          Allen Sutton
Email address:      allen.sutton@valocityglobal.com
PostgreSQL version: 14.4
Operating system:   Ubuntu 22.04LTS

I have a table that I have partitioned by a field est_date (date).

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS avm.avm_history_part
    model_type character varying(4) COLLATE pg_catalog."default",
    model_id integer,
    est_date date NOT NULL,
    address_id integer,
    est integer,
    conf numeric(8,4),
    comps_used bigint,
    last smallint DEFAULT 0,
    est_id integer NOT NULL DEFAULT
    est_smoothed integer,
    dipid character varying(20) COLLATE pg_catalog."default",
    fsd numeric(4,1)
) PARTITION BY RANGE (est_date);

The partitions of this table are created with a range of a month.

e.g. CREATE TABLE avm.avm_history_201704 PARTITION OF avm.avm_history_part
    FOR VALUES FROM ('2017-04-01') TO ('2017-04-30');

This seems to be causing issues in two ways: -
1. When I prepare a table and then add it as a partition with a date range
and est_date in rows equal to the upper bound of the range, Postgres gives
me an error that it can't find a partition for the date
2. When I try update a row and set the value of est_date to the upper range,
I get an update error such as

ERROR:  new row for relation "avm_history_201704" violates partition
DETAIL:  Failing row contains (A, 11, 2017-04-30, 46846, 1270000, 0.2647, 7,
0, 26563523, 1246000, NZ82047105, 39.9).
SQL state: 23514

I need assistance to work out what I have done wrong if anything and how to
resolve this issue

pgsql-bugs by date:

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From: Allen Sutton
Subject: RE: BUG #17525: Range partition by date won't allow the use of a date that is the upper bound