Thread: Calling Any Attendees going to both PGConf.DE & PGConf.BE

Calling Any Attendees going to both PGConf.DE & PGConf.BE

Sarah Conway

I'm currently seeking to connect with someone attending both the PostgreSQL Conference in Leipzig, Germany on May 13, 2022 (PGConf.DE) as well as PGDay Belgium 2022 (PGConf.BE) on May 19, 2022. 

There's some educational & advocacy activities I'm hoping to arrange at upcoming conferences & events in Europe, and to make this happen, I'd love to get a willing volunteer attending both the above conferences to meet with Andreas Scherbaum at PGConf.DE and consequently transfer some PostgreSQL swag to a contact at PGConf.BE as well. 

Please let me know if you have any willingness or opportunity to do this; your time would be much appreciated!

Kind regards,
Sarah Conway

Re: Calling Any Attendees going to both PGConf.DE & PGConf.BE

Ilya Kosmodemiansky
Hi Sarah,

On 2. May 2022, at 04:23, Sarah Conway <> wrote:
I'm currently seeking to connect with someone attending both the PostgreSQL Conference in Leipzig, Germany on May 13, 2022 (PGConf.DE) as well as PGDay Belgium 2022 (PGConf.BE) on May 19, 2022. 

I plan to do that 

There's some educational & advocacy activities I'm hoping to arrange at upcoming conferences & events in Europe, and to make this happen, I'd love to get a willing volunteer attending both the above conferences to meet with Andreas Scherbaum at PGConf.DE and consequently transfer some PostgreSQL swag to a contact at PGConf.BE as well. 

can do, moreover - I am traveling to both places by car which makes transferring swag more convenient 

Please let me know if you have any willingness or opportunity to do this; your time would be much appreciated!

Kind regards,
Sarah Conway

Re: Calling Any Attendees going to both PGConf.DE & PGConf.BE

Sarah Conway
Hi Ilya,

I plan to do that

can do, moreover - I am traveling to both places by car which makes transferring swag more convenient 

That is most excellent and quite convenient - thank you for reaching out. I'll contact you directly to arrange next steps. 
Hope you have a fantastic week!

Kind regards,