Thread: pgAdmin Docker container: specify web URL path prefix?

pgAdmin Docker container: specify web URL path prefix?

Glen Bakeman
Hi everyone,

I'm getting into containerized hosting, and I'd like to setup the 
pgAdmin docker container with a reverse proxy (Traefik). Traefik 
supports Path Prefix proxying for services (i.e, I'd like to access 
pgAdmin at The issue seems to be that 
pgAdmin automatically rewrites requests to, which 
breaks the proxy.

I can't seem to find any options that allow us to specify the web path 
pgAdmin uses, from the perspective of configuring the docker container. 
Can anyone please confirm this?

Thanks in advance,


Re: pgAdmin Docker container: specify web URL path prefix?

Yogesh Mahajan
Hi Glen,

Please refer to the last point at this web-page for hosting pgadmin4 under subdirectory with Traefik.
Here is example when pgadmin4 is hosted under /pgadmin4/
docker run --name "pgadmin4" \    -e "" \    -e "PGADMIN_DEFAULT_PASSWORD=SuperSecret" \    -e "SCRIPT_NAME=/pgadmin4" \    -l "traefik.frontend.rule=PathPrefix:/pgadmin4" \    -d dpage/pgadmin4

Yogesh Mahajan

On Tue, Apr 12, 2022 at 6:23 AM Glen Bakeman <> wrote:
Hi everyone,

I'm getting into containerized hosting, and I'd like to setup the
pgAdmin docker container with a reverse proxy (Traefik). Traefik
supports Path Prefix proxying for services (i.e, I'd like to access
pgAdmin at The issue seems to be that
pgAdmin automatically rewrites requests to, which
breaks the proxy.

I can't seem to find any options that allow us to specify the web path
pgAdmin uses, from the perspective of configuring the docker container.
Can anyone please confirm this?

Thanks in advance,


Re: pgAdmin Docker container: specify web URL path prefix?

Glen Bakeman


Not only was my DuckDuckGo-fu failing me, I didn't even get to the bottom of the page...

I had to make a few small tweaks since I'm on Traefikv2, but I'd be happy to update the documentation. Thank you for putting me in the right direction!


On 4/11/2022 9:11 PM, Yogesh Mahajan wrote:
Hi Glen,

Please refer to the last point at this web-page for hosting pgadmin4 under subdirectory with Traefik.
Here is example when pgadmin4 is hosted under /pgadmin4/
docker run --name "pgadmin4" \    -e "" \    -e "PGADMIN_DEFAULT_PASSWORD=SuperSecret" \    -e "SCRIPT_NAME=/pgadmin4" \    -l "traefik.frontend.rule=PathPrefix:/pgadmin4" \    -d dpage/pgadmin4

Yogesh Mahajan

On Tue, Apr 12, 2022 at 6:23 AM Glen Bakeman <> wrote:
Hi everyone,

I'm getting into containerized hosting, and I'd like to setup the
pgAdmin docker container with a reverse proxy (Traefik). Traefik
supports Path Prefix proxying for services (i.e, I'd like to access
pgAdmin at The issue seems to be that
pgAdmin automatically rewrites requests to, which
breaks the proxy.

I can't seem to find any options that allow us to specify the web path
pgAdmin uses, from the perspective of configuring the docker container.
Can anyone please confirm this?

Thanks in advance,


Re: pgAdmin Docker container: specify web URL path prefix?

Glen Bakeman

Of course! My docker labels are as follows:

- "traefik.http.routers.pgadmin4.rule=Host(``) && PathPrefix(`/pgadmin4`)"
- "traefik.http.routers.pgadmin4.tls=true"

This assumes that the chosen name for the instance is "pgadmin4", which is entirely up the user. The Host portion was necessary because Traefik will complain otherwise about a lack of specificity in the rule. I also added the .tls line since Traefik will only forward insecure requests without it (not sure why yet). Otherwise, Traefik is able to automatically identify the necessary port on the service to communicate with. I added the SCRIPT_NAME environment variable which seemed to be the key I was missing.

Thanks again for your help,


On 4/12/2022 10:19 PM, Yogesh Mahajan wrote:
Glad to hear it! 
Can you please share what additional steps are required?

Yogesh Mahajan

On Wed, Apr 13, 2022 at 7:49 AM Glen Bakeman <> wrote:


Not only was my DuckDuckGo-fu failing me, I didn't even get to the bottom of the page...

I had to make a few small tweaks since I'm on Traefikv2, but I'd be happy to update the documentation. Thank you for putting me in the right direction!


On 4/11/2022 9:11 PM, Yogesh Mahajan wrote:
Hi Glen,

Please refer to the last point at this web-page for hosting pgadmin4 under subdirectory with Traefik.
Here is example when pgadmin4 is hosted under /pgadmin4/
docker run --name "pgadmin4" \    -e "" \    -e "PGADMIN_DEFAULT_PASSWORD=SuperSecret" \    -e "SCRIPT_NAME=/pgadmin4" \    -l "traefik.frontend.rule=PathPrefix:/pgadmin4" \    -d dpage/pgadmin4

Yogesh Mahajan

On Tue, Apr 12, 2022 at 6:23 AM Glen Bakeman <> wrote:
Hi everyone,

I'm getting into containerized hosting, and I'd like to setup the
pgAdmin docker container with a reverse proxy (Traefik). Traefik
supports Path Prefix proxying for services (i.e, I'd like to access
pgAdmin at The issue seems to be that
pgAdmin automatically rewrites requests to, which
breaks the proxy.

I can't seem to find any options that allow us to specify the web path
pgAdmin uses, from the perspective of configuring the docker container.
Can anyone please confirm this?

Thanks in advance,


Re: pgAdmin Docker container: specify web URL path prefix?

Glen Bakeman

For anyone watching this: I've made an issue to track updating the docs. If someone can give me the OK I'll go and get it done.


On 4/13/2022 11:40 AM, Glen Bakeman wrote:

Of course! My docker labels are as follows:

- "traefik.http.routers.pgadmin4.rule=Host(``) && PathPrefix(`/pgadmin4`)"
- "traefik.http.routers.pgadmin4.tls=true"

This assumes that the chosen name for the instance is "pgadmin4", which is entirely up the user. The Host portion was necessary because Traefik will complain otherwise about a lack of specificity in the rule. I also added the .tls line since Traefik will only forward insecure requests without it (not sure why yet). Otherwise, Traefik is able to automatically identify the necessary port on the service to communicate with. I added the SCRIPT_NAME environment variable which seemed to be the key I was missing.

Thanks again for your help,


On 4/12/2022 10:19 PM, Yogesh Mahajan wrote:
Glad to hear it! 
Can you please share what additional steps are required?

Yogesh Mahajan

On Wed, Apr 13, 2022 at 7:49 AM Glen Bakeman <> wrote:


Not only was my DuckDuckGo-fu failing me, I didn't even get to the bottom of the page...

I had to make a few small tweaks since I'm on Traefikv2, but I'd be happy to update the documentation. Thank you for putting me in the right direction!


On 4/11/2022 9:11 PM, Yogesh Mahajan wrote:
Hi Glen,

Please refer to the last point at this web-page for hosting pgadmin4 under subdirectory with Traefik.
Here is example when pgadmin4 is hosted under /pgadmin4/
docker run --name "pgadmin4" \    -e "" \    -e "PGADMIN_DEFAULT_PASSWORD=SuperSecret" \    -e "SCRIPT_NAME=/pgadmin4" \    -l "traefik.frontend.rule=PathPrefix:/pgadmin4" \    -d dpage/pgadmin4

Yogesh Mahajan

On Tue, Apr 12, 2022 at 6:23 AM Glen Bakeman <> wrote:
Hi everyone,

I'm getting into containerized hosting, and I'd like to setup the
pgAdmin docker container with a reverse proxy (Traefik). Traefik
supports Path Prefix proxying for services (i.e, I'd like to access
pgAdmin at The issue seems to be that
pgAdmin automatically rewrites requests to, which
breaks the proxy.

I can't seem to find any options that allow us to specify the web path
pgAdmin uses, from the perspective of configuring the docker container.
Can anyone please confirm this?

Thanks in advance,


bash or sql script to copy foreign table to locale table

Hi all,

I need little help  please,

I'v  already   foreign tables (from oracle_fdw) in my  postgresql 

I'm Just  looking for  script shell  or sql  ( easy way)  to migrate  
this  foreign tables   to locale  table .

My script below  has some issue

thanks lot

------script migrate---

export PGDATA=/pg01/pgdata/9.6/data
export PGUSER="postgres"
export PGPORT="5433"
export PGPASSWORD="ttooe2"

for tbl in `psql -qAt   data_2020
-c "select  foreign_table_name  from information_schema.foreign_tables;"`;
do psql data_2020  -c "create table public.\"$tbl\" as select * from 
fdw_link.\"$tbl\"" ; done

----end  of script---

the database is :  data_2020

  foreign_table schema   is :  fdw_link

and want to copy  to public  schema

Re: bash or sql script to copy foreign table to locale table

Please do not hijack existing threads.

On 5/19/22 18:55, koff wrote:
Hi all,

I need little help  please,

I'v  already   foreign tables (from oracle_fdw) in my  postgresql environment.

I'm Just  looking for  script shell  or sql  ( easy way)  to migrate  this  foreign tables   to locale  table .

My script below  has some issue

thanks lot

------script migrate---

export PGDATA=/pg01/pgdata/9.6/data
export PGUSER="postgres"
export PGPORT="5433"
export PGPASSWORD="ttooe2"

for tbl in `psql -qAt   data_2020 -c "select  foreign_table_name  from information_schema.foreign_tables;"`;

                  ## note the added semicolon
    psql data_2020  -c "create table public.\"$tbl\" as select * from fdw_link.\"$tbl\";"
Here, either psql COPY the fdw_link.\"$tbl\" data OUT to a local file, and then COPY IN to public.\"$tbl\" OR INSERT INTO public.\"$tbl\" SELECT * FROM fdw_link.\"$tbl\";


----end  of script---

the database is :  data_2020

 foreign_table schema   is :  fdw_link

and want to copy  to public  schema

Angular momentum makes the world go 'round.

Re: bash or sql script to copy foreign table to locale table


Hi  Ron,

It works 

Thanks for your  contribution


Le 20/05/2022 à 05:17, Ron a écrit :
Please do not hijack existing threads.

On 5/19/22 18:55, koff wrote:
Hi all,

I need little help  please,

I'v  already   foreign tables (from oracle_fdw) in my  postgresql environment.

I'm Just  looking for  script shell  or sql  ( easy way)  to migrate  this  foreign tables   to locale  table .

My script below  has some issue

thanks lot

------script migrate---

export PGDATA=/pg01/pgdata/9.6/data
export PGUSER="postgres"
export PGPORT="5433"
export PGPASSWORD="ttooe2"

for tbl in `psql -qAt   data_2020 -c "select  foreign_table_name  from information_schema.foreign_tables;"`;

                  ## note the added semicolon
    psql data_2020  -c "create table public.\"$tbl\" as select * from fdw_link.\"$tbl\";"
Here, either psql COPY the fdw_link.\"$tbl\" data OUT to a local file, and then COPY IN to public.\"$tbl\" OR INSERT INTO public.\"$tbl\" SELECT * FROM fdw_link.\"$tbl\";


----end  of script---

the database is :  data_2020

 foreign_table schema   is :  fdw_link

and want to copy  to public  schema

Angular momentum makes the world go 'round.