Thread: PostgreSQL Full Vacuum Taking 5 to 6 hrs.

PostgreSQL Full Vacuum Taking 5 to 6 hrs.

Ram Pratap Maurya

Hi Team,


We are using Postgres -11 version and when we running Full vacuum it will take 5 to 6 Hrs to complete full vacuum.

Please suggest  how to reduce the full vacuum time.


OS Version : RHEL6

DB size -450 GB

Postgresql Version -11






Ram Pratap.


Re: PostgreSQL Full Vacuum Taking 5 to 6 hrs.

Julien Rouhaud

On Tue, Feb 08, 2022 at 06:25:01AM +0000, Ram Pratap Maurya wrote:
> We are using Postgres -11 version and when we running Full vacuum it will
> take 5 to 6 Hrs to complete full vacuum.

What do you mean by "full vacuum" exactly?  Is it a plain VACUUM FULL?  If yes,
on all tables or only some specific ones?

RE: PostgreSQL Full Vacuum Taking 5 to 6 hrs.

Ram Pratap Maurya
Hi Julien,

we are running VACUUM FULL on all table and its take 5 to 6 Hrs.

Ram Pratap.

-----Original Message-----
From: Julien Rouhaud []
Sent: 08 February 2022 12:23
To: Ram Pratap Maurya
Cc: ''; Ashish Chugh
Subject: Re: PostgreSQL Full Vacuum Taking 5 to 6 hrs.


On Tue, Feb 08, 2022 at 06:25:01AM +0000, Ram Pratap Maurya wrote:
> We are using Postgres -11 version and when we running Full vacuum it
> will take 5 to 6 Hrs to complete full vacuum.

What do you mean by "full vacuum" exactly?  Is it a plain VACUUM FULL?  If yes, on all tables or only some specific

Re: PostgreSQL Full Vacuum Taking 5 to 6 hrs.

Julien Rouhaud

Please don't top post on those forums

On Tue, Feb 08, 2022 at 06:59:07AM +0000, Ram Pratap Maurya wrote:
> we are running VACUUM FULL on all table and its take 5 to 6 Hrs.

The only thing that can be done to make it faster is to use a 1GB

But why do you need to do frequent database wide VACUUM FULL in the first
place?  Do you really have massive bloat on every single table in the database?

Do you have adequate autovacuum configuration, or additional VACUUM jobs if
that's not enough?

RE: PostgreSQL Full Vacuum Taking 5 to 6 hrs.

Ram Pratap Maurya
HI Julien,

In my current database index size is very large compare than table (if table size is 30 GB and index size is 90GB) ,
thatwhy We running full vacuum monthly basis to increase the system performance and data reclaim . 
Auto Vacuum is also configuration in system.
As per your suggesion if we increase " maintenance_work_mem " paramater size to 1GB this will be help to improve full

System configuration as below:

CPU - 42

Ram Pratap.

-----Original Message-----
From: Julien Rouhaud []
Sent: 08 February 2022 12:38
To: Ram Pratap Maurya
Cc: ''; Ashish Chugh
Subject: Re: PostgreSQL Full Vacuum Taking 5 to 6 hrs.


Please don't top post on those forums

On Tue, Feb 08, 2022 at 06:59:07AM +0000, Ram Pratap Maurya wrote:
> we are running VACUUM FULL on all table and its take 5 to 6 Hrs.

The only thing that can be done to make it faster is to use a 1GB maintenance_work_mem.

But why do you need to do frequent database wide VACUUM FULL in the first place?  Do you really have massive bloat on
everysingle table in the database? 

Do you have adequate autovacuum configuration, or additional VACUUM jobs if that's not enough?

RE: PostgreSQL Full Vacuum Taking 5 to 6 hrs.

Ram Pratap Maurya
HI Julien,

In my current database index size is very large compare than table (if table size is 30 GB and index size is 90GB) ,
thatwhy We running full vacuum monthly basis to increase the system performance and data reclaim . 
Auto Vacuum is also configuration in system.
" maintenance_work_mem " paramater size to 2GB configure in system.

System configuration as below:

CPU - 42

Ram Pratap.

-----Original Message-----
From: Julien Rouhaud []
Sent: 08 February 2022 12:38
To: Ram Pratap Maurya
Cc: ''; Ashish Chugh
Subject: Re: PostgreSQL Full Vacuum Taking 5 to 6 hrs.


Please don't top post on those forums

On Tue, Feb 08, 2022 at 06:59:07AM +0000, Ram Pratap Maurya wrote:
> we are running VACUUM FULL on all table and its take 5 to 6 Hrs.

The only thing that can be done to make it faster is to use a 1GB maintenance_work_mem.

But why do you need to do frequent database wide VACUUM FULL in the first place?  Do you really have massive bloat on
everysingle table in the database? 

Do you have adequate autovacuum configuration, or additional VACUUM jobs if that's not enough?

RE: PostgreSQL Full Vacuum Taking 5 to 6 hrs.

Ram Pratap Maurya

Hi Team,


We are using Postgres -11 version and current PG DB size is 450 GB .

Archive log enable in Database and we are running Full PG_Base backup and it will take 8 to 8:30 Hrs to complete the backup ,

Please suggest  how to reduce the full DB backup time.


OS Version : RHEL6

DB size -450 GB

Postgresql Version -11






Ram Pratap.


Re: PostgreSQL Full Vacuum Taking 5 to 6 hrs.

Maybe your database is really big.
Maybe your storage subsystem is really slow.
Maybe you're only running one thread.
Maybe it's being blocked by other users.

We don't know because you've barely told us anything.

Not to mention: VACUUM FULL is only useful after you've updated or deleted a major portion of a table all at once.

On 2/8/22 5:22 AM, Ram Pratap Maurya wrote:
HI Julien,

In my current database index size is very large compare than table (if table size is 30 GB and index size is 90GB) , that why We running full vacuum monthly basis to increase the system performance and data reclaim .
Auto Vacuum is also configuration in system.
As per your suggesion if we increase " maintenance_work_mem " paramater size to 1GB this will be help to improve full vacuum performance?.

System configuration as below:

CPU - 42 

Ram Pratap.

-----Original Message-----
From: Julien Rouhaud [] 
Sent: 08 February 2022 12:38
To: Ram Pratap Maurya
Cc: ''; Ashish Chugh
Subject: Re: PostgreSQL Full Vacuum Taking 5 to 6 hrs.


Please don't top post on those forums

On Tue, Feb 08, 2022 at 06:59:07AM +0000, Ram Pratap Maurya wrote:
we are running VACUUM FULL on all table and its take 5 to 6 Hrs.
The only thing that can be done to make it faster is to use a 1GB maintenance_work_mem.

But why do you need to do frequent database wide VACUUM FULL in the first place?  Do you really have massive bloat on every single table in the database?

Do you have adequate autovacuum configuration, or additional VACUUM jobs if that's not enough?

Angular momentum makes the world go 'round.

PG15 DB Error :::could not receive data from client: Connection reset by peer

Ram Pratap Maurya

Dear Team,


We are getting error frequently in PostgresDB:15 log file  , Please suggest why this error is coming and what is workaround to solve this error.



/var/lib/pgsql/15/data/log/postgresql-Tue.log:2025-02-18 08:07:32.309 IST [1166457] LOG:  could not receive data from client: Connection reset by peer

/var/lib/pgsql/15/data/log/postgresql-Tue.log:2025-02-18 08:07:32.310 IST [1166411] LOG:  could not receive data from client: Connection reset by peer





Ram Pratap.

On Wed, 2025-02-19 at 06:16 +0000, Ram Pratap Maurya wrote:
> We are getting error frequently in PostgresDB:15 log file  ,
> Please suggest why this error is coming and what is workaround to solve this error.
> /var/lib/pgsql/15/data/log/postgresql-Tue.log:2025-02-18 08:07:32.309 IST [1166457] LOG:  could not receive data from
client:Connection reset by peer 
> /var/lib/pgsql/15/data/log/postgresql-Tue.log:2025-02-18 08:07:32.310 IST [1166411] LOG:  could not receive data from
client:Connection reset by peer 

That is a complaint by the server about the client connection being
forcibly interrupted.  Perhaps the client is not closing the database
session correctly, perhaps some network component is misconfigured.

I would first investigate what went on at the client side.  Did the
client get an error too?

Laurenz Albe


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