Thread: Generated column and partitioning bug

Generated column and partitioning bug

Maxim Gasumyants
I am running latest release of PostgreSQL 12.

I have a table, which is partitioned like that:
p=# \d products_product_offers;
                                                                                     Partitioned table "public.products_product_offers"
      Column      |            Type             | Collation | Nullable |                                                                      Default                                                 


 id               | bigint                      |           | not null | 
 shop_id          | integer                     |           | not null | 
 dimensions       | jsonb                       |           |          | 
 purchasingprice  | numeric(10,2)               |           |          | NULL::numeric
 volume           | numeric                     |           |          | generated always as (((dimensions ->> 'x'::text)::numeric) * ((dimensions ->> 'y'::text)::numeric) * ((dimensions ->> 'z'::te
xt)::numeric)) stored
 virtual_shop_id  | integer                     |           |          | 
Partition key: LIST (shop_id)

When I am adding partition, volume is generated from another column (which causes problem with inserting anything into this table):

p=# \d products_product_offers_shop_185456;
                                                                                            Table "public.products_product_offers_shop_185456"
      Column      |            Type             | Collation | Nullable |                                                                              Default                                         


 id               | bigint                      |           | not null | 
 shop_id          | integer                     |           | not null | 
 dimensions       | jsonb                       |           |          | 
 purchasingprice  | numeric(10,2)               |           |          | NULL::numeric
 volume           | numeric                     |           |          | generated always as (((purchasingprice ->> 'x'::text)::numeric) * ((purchasingprice ->> 'y'::text)::numeric) * ((purchasingpr
ice ->> 'z'::text)::numeric)) stored
 virtual_shop_id  | integer                     |           |          | 
Partition of: products_product_offers FOR VALUES IN (185456)

If I am adding column once more:

p=# ALTER TABLE products_product_offers
p-#     ADD COLUMN volumecalculated decimal GENERATED ALWAYS AS ((dimensions->>'x')::decimal * (dimensions->>'y')::decimal * (dimensions ->>'z')::decimal) STORED;

It is ok:

p=# \d products_product_offers_shop_185456;
                                                                                            Table "public.products_product_offers_shop_185456"
      Column      |            Type             | Collation | Nullable |                                                                              Default                                         


 id               | bigint                      |           | not null | 
 shop_id          | integer                     |           | not null | 
 dimensions       | jsonb                       |           |          | 
 purchasingprice  | numeric(10,2)               |           |          | NULL::numeric
 volume           | numeric                     |           |          | generated always as (((purchasingprice ->> 'x'::text)::numeric) * ((purchasingprice ->> 'y'::text)::numeric) * ((purchasingpr
ice ->> 'z'::text)::numeric)) stored
 virtual_shop_id  | integer                     |           |          | 
 volumecalculated | numeric                     |           |          | generated always as (((dimensions ->> 'x'::text)::numeric) * ((dimensions ->> 'y'::text)::numeric) * ((dimensions ->> 'z'::te
xt)::numeric)) stored

Seems like it is inheriting wrong from parent table if I create partitions regular way:

p=# ALTER TABLE products_product_offers DETACH PARTITION products_product_offers_shop_185456;
p=# DROP TABLE products_product_offers_shop_185456;
p=# CREATE TABLE products_product_offers_shop_185456 PARTITION OF products_product_offers FOR VALUES IN (185456);

p=# \d products_product_offers_shop_185456;
                                                                                            Table "public.products_product_offers_shop_185456"
      Column      |            Type             | Collation | Nullable |                                                                              Default                                         


 id               | bigint                      |           | not null | 
 shop_id          | integer                     |           | not null | 
 dimensions       | jsonb                       |           |          | 
 purchasingprice  | numeric(10,2)               |           |          | NULL::numeric
 volume           | numeric                     |           |          | generated always as (((purchasingprice ->> 'x'::text)::numeric) * ((purchasingprice ->> 'y'::text)::numeric) * ((purchasingpr
ice ->> 'z'::text)::numeric)) stored
 virtual_shop_id  | integer                     |           |          | 
 volumecalculated | numeric                     |           |          | generated always as (((purchasingprice ->> 'x'::text)::numeric) * ((purchasingprice ->> 'y'::text)::numeric) * ((purchasingpr
ice ->> 'z'::text)::numeric)) stored
Partition of: products_product_offers FOR VALUES IN (185456)

Re: Generated column and partitioning bug

Tom Lane
Maxim Gasumyants <> writes:
> I am running latest release of PostgreSQL 12.

Are you certain it's the latest?  This looks suspiciously like
some Var-numbering bugs we fixed a year or so ago.

I failed to reproduce any problem in 12.9 on the basis of the
info you supplied.  I suppose that there might be some additional
conditions needed, like a dropped column in the parent table,
but experimentation didn't find it.

It might be useful to show the results of

select attname, attnum, attisdropped from pg_attribute
where attrelid = 'products_product_offers'::regclass and attnum > 0;

Also, if you can make a self-contained SQL script that exhibits
the problem for you, that would be very useful.

            regards, tom lane

Re: Generated column and partitioning bug

Maxim Gasumyants
Hi, Tom!

I will check version once more - I wrote that it latest version based on the thing, that yum does not pull any updates. Here is the command for main table and partitioned table:

p-# where attrelid = 'products_product_offers'::regclass and attnum > 0;
            attname            | attnum | attisdropped 
 id                            |      1 | f
 shop_id                       |      2 | f  |      3 | t
 parent_id                     |      4 | f  |      5 | t
 currency_id                   |      6 | f
 article                       |      7 | f
 name                          |      8 | f
 type                          |      9 | f
 image                         |     10 | f
 barcodes                      |     11 | f
 sku                           |     12 | f
 dimensions                    |     13 | f
 weight                        |     14 | f
 purchasingprice               |     15 | f
 price                         |     16 | f
 state                         |     17 | f
 created                       |     18 | f
 updated                       |     19 | f
 extid                         |     20 | f
 raw                           |     21 | f
 eav                           |     22 | f
 doc                           |     23 | f
 docupdated                    |     24 | f
 parent_shop_id                |     25 | f
 items                         |     26 | f
 docextended                   |     27 | f |     28 | t
 inventoryupdated              |     29 | f |     30 | t |     31 | t
 virtual_shop_id               |     32 | f
 volume                        |     33 | f
(33 rows)

p=# select attname, attnum, attisdropped from pg_attribute
where attrelid = 'products_product_offers_shop_185456'::regclass and attnum > 0;
            attname            | attnum | attisdropped 
 id                            |      1 | f
 shop_id                       |      2 | f
 parent_id                     |      3 | f
 currency_id                   |      4 | f
 article                       |      5 | f
 name                          |      6 | f
 type                          |      7 | f
 image                         |      8 | f
 barcodes                      |      9 | f
 sku                           |     10 | f
 dimensions                    |     11 | f
 weight                        |     12 | f
 purchasingprice               |     13 | f
 price                         |     14 | f
 state                         |     15 | f
 created                       |     16 | f
 updated                       |     17 | f
 extid                         |     18 | f
 raw                           |     19 | f
 eav                           |     20 | f
 doc                           |     21 | f
 docupdated                    |     22 | f
 parent_shop_id                |     23 | f
 items                         |     24 | f
 docextended                   |     25 | f
 inventoryupdated              |     26 | f |     27 | t
 virtual_shop_id               |     28 | f
 volume                        |     29 | f
(29 rows)

4 февр. 2022 г., в 20:04, Tom Lane <> написал(а):

Maxim Gasumyants <> writes:
I am running latest release of PostgreSQL 12.

Are you certain it's the latest?  This looks suspiciously like
some Var-numbering bugs we fixed a year or so ago.

I failed to reproduce any problem in 12.9 on the basis of the
info you supplied.  I suppose that there might be some additional
conditions needed, like a dropped column in the parent table,
but experimentation didn't find it.

It might be useful to show the results of

select attname, attnum, attisdropped from pg_attribute
where attrelid = 'products_product_offers'::regclass and attnum > 0;

Also, if you can make a self-contained SQL script that exhibits
the problem for you, that would be very useful.

regards, tom lane

Re: Generated column and partitioning bug

Tom Lane
Maxim Gasumyants <> writes:
> I will check version once more - I wrote that it latest version based on the thing, that yum does not pull any
updates.Here is the command for main table and partitioned table: 

> p-# where attrelid = 'products_product_offers'::regclass and attnum > 0;
>             attname            | attnum | attisdropped
> -------------------------------+--------+--------------
>  id                            |      1 | f
>  shop_id                       |      2 | f
>  |      3 | t
>  parent_id                     |      4 | f
>  |      5 | t
>  currency_id                   |      6 | f
>  article                       |      7 | f
>  name                          |      8 | f
>  type                          |      9 | f
>  image                         |     10 | f
>  barcodes                      |     11 | f
>  sku                           |     12 | f
>  dimensions                    |     13 | f
>  weight                        |     14 | f
>  purchasingprice               |     15 | f

Hm, I think that confirms my idea about the underlying nature of the bug.
The parent's stored expression for volume would refer to dimensions as
being var 13.  Now, when you create a new child partition it would have no
dropped columns, so that dimensions would be column 11 and purchasingprice
would be column 13 in the child.  Thus, the observed symptom is explained
if we failed to renumber the vars in the GENERATED expression while copying
it to the child partition.

However, AFAICT we do that correctly.  I didn't bisect, but I think
this was fixed by commit d9253df12, which shipped in PG 12.5.
Please double-check your server version, eg with "select version();"

            regards, tom lane

Re: Generated column and partitioning bug

Maxim Gasumyants
You are right - we were using 12.2, just I didn’t confirmed it well.

Thank you so much, Tom.

4 февр. 2022 г., в 21:00, Tom Lane <> написал(а):

Maxim Gasumyants <> writes:
I will check version once more - I wrote that it latest version based on the thing, that yum does not pull any updates. Here is the command for main table and partitioned table:

p-# where attrelid = 'products_product_offers'::regclass and attnum > 0;
           attname            | attnum | attisdropped
id                            |      1 | f
shop_id                       |      2 | f  |      3 | t
parent_id                     |      4 | f  |      5 | t
currency_id                   |      6 | f
article                       |      7 | f
name                          |      8 | f
type                          |      9 | f
image                         |     10 | f
barcodes                      |     11 | f
sku                           |     12 | f
dimensions                    |     13 | f
weight                        |     14 | f
purchasingprice               |     15 | f

Hm, I think that confirms my idea about the underlying nature of the bug.
The parent's stored expression for volume would refer to dimensions as
being var 13.  Now, when you create a new child partition it would have no
dropped columns, so that dimensions would be column 11 and purchasingprice
would be column 13 in the child.  Thus, the observed symptom is explained
if we failed to renumber the vars in the GENERATED expression while copying
it to the child partition.

However, AFAICT we do that correctly.  I didn't bisect, but I think
this was fixed by commit d9253df12, which shipped in PG 12.5.
Please double-check your server version, eg with "select version();"

regards, tom lane