Thread: Google Summer of Code 2021 - last call for mentors

Google Summer of Code 2021 - last call for mentors

Good morning everyone,

As some of you might know, the Google Summer of Code applications are now closed and I am quite happy to say that Postgres this year received a lot of wonderful proposals, way more than expected. 

It would be ideal to give all of these students a project and support them while they contribute to Postgres, however unfortunately us mentors are not enough people to allocate to each student the time they would deserve. 

For this reason I am asking you if there is any chance that you might want to step up and help as mentor, especially for those projects:
- pgperffarm
- pgeu-system
- testing harness for pgweb

You can find more details on them here:

If we cannot find anyone, I will make sure that at least one of these projects can be covered by existing mentors, but given the high quality of proposals and the motivation of students it would be greatly appreciated if we had someone as back up. 

Feel free to email me privately or message me on any media if you want to discuss this 1:1. 

Thank you so much!

Re: Google Summer of Code 2021 - last call for mentors

"Jonathan S. Katz"
Hi Ilaria,

First and foremost, thanks for leading this effort.

On 4/27/21 3:44 PM, Ilaria wrote:
> For this reason I am asking you if there is any chance that you might
> want to step up and help as mentor, especially for those projects:

> - testing harness for pgweb

I will be able to provide suggestions, review and guidance, and
hopefully committing the the tests, while this project is ongoing, but
personal time commitments this summer will prevent me serving as a full
fledged mentor.


