Thread: Suggestions for website improvements

Suggestions for website improvements

Thomas Landauer

Akshay Joshi told me at to post suggestions 
to this mailing list.

1: Integrate the "Download" page into the home page.
(In detail: Move its content between "Latest Videos" and "News", then 
remove the "Download" page)
* Sooner or later, anybody will need the download. The earlier you show 
it, the better.
* The "News" on the home page are not that important, since first and 
foremost you need to inform *new* users what this is all about. Existing 
users will find out the news anyway...

2: In that newly created Download section on the home page, include 2 
questions from the FAQ right away:
"What is pgAdmin 4?"
"What are Server Mode and Desktop Mode?"
* Those 2 questions are fundamental to *any* user, not just to *some* 
users (like e.g. the Master Password question).
* Having 2 modes for a program is uncommon. Sooner or later this will 
cause new users some confusion, so it's better to address it upfront.

3: Merge the "FAQ" into "Latest Docs":
The distinction between these two seems somewhat arbitrary. The entire 
"Troubleshooting" section from FAQ could become a new heading in the 
docs - and for the few other questions we can certainly find a place too.

4: Long-term: Get rid of the "Quick Links" column, and merge it into the 
top navbar.
I only now realized that these are not the same! But I don't have a 
quick solution for this. In other words: I'd rather wait for some 
feedback if you're interested in changing anything at all, before 
writing even more... ;-)


Re: Suggestions for website improvements

Dave Page

On Mon, Apr 5, 2021 at 5:28 PM Thomas Landauer <> wrote:

Akshay Joshi told me at to post suggestions
to this mailing list.

1: Integrate the "Download" page into the home page.
(In detail: Move its content between "Latest Videos" and "News", then
remove the "Download" page)
* Sooner or later, anybody will need the download. The earlier you show
it, the better. 
* The "News" on the home page are not that important, since first and
foremost you need to inform *new* users what this is all about. Existing
users will find out the news anyway...

The download page can't really be removed, as it also contains things like pgAgent (and potentially other things that we may add in the future). It's all database driven and those pages are designed to handle different platforms, products and versions, as well as providing instructions and related links etc.

That said, it would certainly be possible to add some links directly to the homepage; my inclination would be to add just the download icons from the pgAdmin 4 section on /download, in a box with a "Download pgAdmin 4" title, and "More Downloads..." link at the bottom pointing to /download, kinda like the videos. We could add a flag to the relevant database objects to determine whether a product's downloads should be shown on the homepage, and some template tweaks would take care of the rest.

2: In that newly created Download section on the home page, include 2
questions from the FAQ right away:
"What is pgAdmin 4?"
"What are Server Mode and Desktop Mode?"
* Those 2 questions are fundamental to *any* user, not just to *some*
users (like e.g. the Master Password question).
* Having 2 modes for a program is uncommon. Sooner or later this will
cause new users some confusion, so it's better to address it upfront.

I think adding short versions of those questions could work, with links for more info.

3: Merge the "FAQ" into "Latest Docs":
The distinction between these two seems somewhat arbitrary. The entire
"Troubleshooting" section from FAQ could become a new heading in the
docs - and for the few other questions we can certainly find a place too.

I like that idea.

4: Long-term: Get rid of the "Quick Links" column, and merge it into the
top navbar.
I only now realized that these are not the same! But I don't have a
quick solution for this. In other words: I'd rather wait for some
feedback if you're interested in changing anything at all, before
writing even more... ;-)

All the links on the Quick Links section are already on the main menu system, however a couple of them do have different text, with the ones in the QL section being worded more for getting people to the page they need quickly (e.g. "Get Help" vs. "Support" -> "Introduction"). I'm not in favour of removing those links; I believe they are useful and save users clicks when looking for the most critical items.
Dave Page
Twitter: @pgsnake