Thread: Configuring Replication in Windows 2016 using Postgresql 9.x

Configuring Replication in Windows 2016 using Postgresql 9.x

Luis Marin
Dear PostgreSQL friends:

I have a terrible task.

Build a replication schema using a Windows Server2016 and PostgreSQL 9.3.

I know, I know , I could have desired, a better or most recent PostgreSQL version, but nope

My current configuration:

Master Server:

wal_level = hot_standby                           

archive_mode = on

archive_command = 'copy "%p" "\\\\\\archive\\%f"'             

max_wal_senders = 5        wal_keep_segments = 10  


host     replication     rep_user       IP-replica  slave/CIDR         trust

Slave Server:




restore_command = 'copy "\\\\x.y.z.78\\Archive\\%f" "%p"'

standby_mode = 'on'

primary_conninfo= 'host=x.y.z.78 port=5432 user=rep_user password=rep_user'

trigger_file = 'c:\\temp\\primary_down.txt'

I have made a successfully switch-over, but my new slave server, does not want to be online
I have enabled more detailed debug info, and the only message that appears is:

2020-04-25 11:49:36 COT DEBUG:  attempting to remove WAL segments older than log file 00000000000000000000004A
2020-04-25 11:49:36 COT DEBUG:  SlruScanDirectory invoking callback on pg_multixact/offsets/0000
2020-04-25 11:49:36 COT DEBUG:  SlruScanDirectory invoking callback on pg_multixact/members/0000
2020-04-25 11:49:36 COT DEBUG:  SlruScanDirectory invoking callback on pg_multixact/offsets/0000

My log file keeps growing, but the postgresql service fails to start with a timeout message and never comes online.
what could be happening ?

Please, any idea, can help me
Thanks a lot friends for your postgresql-wise

Best Regards

Re: Configuring Replication in Windows 2016 using Postgresql 9.x

I had this misfortune to support a Dev DB on 9.3 PostgreSQL running on Win server 2008 R2 which I had the joy of taking
from9.3 to 9.4, 9.5 and 9.6 in fits and starts. Thankfully Production ran on Debian Linux which would upgrade

This looks like it might be a file ownership issue, was PostgreSQL installed under an account called Postgres or the
networkservice account? Which account owns the Postgres files and which account is running the Postgres Service
process?Is the ownership/ acls of the WAL files correct or matching and are they being deleted correctly?

As I recall Postgres 9.3 expected the install to be made using a non-privileged  Postgres account whereas this changed
inlater versions to expecting the network service account to be used instead.

Hope this helps,

Peter G.

On 25/04/2020 at 6:13 PM, "Luis Marin" <> wrote:
>Dear PostgreSQL friends:
>I have a terrible task.
>Build a replication schema using a Windows Server2016 and 
>PostgreSQL 9.3.
>I know, I know , I could have desired, a better or most recent 
>version, but nope
>My current configuration:
>Master Server:
>wal_level = hot_standby
>archive_mode = on
>archive_command = 'copy "%p" "\\\\\\archive\\%f"'
>max_wal_senders = 5
>wal_keep_segments = 10
>host     replication     rep_user       IP-replica  slave/CIDR     
>    trust
>Slave Server:
>restore_command = 'copy "\\\\x.y.z.78\\Archive\\%f" "%p"'
>standby_mode = 'on'
>primary_conninfo= 'host=x.y.z.78 port=5432 user=rep_user 
>trigger_file = 'c:\\temp\\primary_down.txt'
>I have made a successfully switch-over, but my new slave server, 
>does not
>want to be online
>I have enabled more detailed debug info, and the only message that 
>2020-04-25 11:49:36 COT DEBUG:  attempting to remove WAL segments 
>than log file 00000000000000000000004A
>2020-04-25 11:49:36 COT DEBUG:  SlruScanDirectory invoking 
>callback on
>2020-04-25 11:49:36 COT DEBUG:  SlruScanDirectory invoking 
>callback on
>2020-04-25 11:49:36 COT DEBUG:  SlruScanDirectory invoking 
>callback on
>My log file keeps growing, but the postgresql service fails to 
>start with a
>timeout message and never comes online.
>what could be happening ?
>Please, any idea, can help me
>Thanks a lot friends for your postgresql-wise
>Best Regards