Thread: MYSQL_FDW trigger BEFORE UPDATE changes to NEW on a col not in theupdate statement don't go through
MYSQL_FDW trigger BEFORE UPDATE changes to NEW on a col not in theupdate statement don't go through
Hi All,
I was pleasantly surprised to see that triggers can be created on FDW tables. I'm running into a problem.
I create a trigger on an imported foreign table. In the procedure, I change the value of a column that is not in the triggering update statement. This change does not make it to the mysql side.
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION aatrigger_up() returns trigger
AS $$
BEGINIF NOT(row_to_json(NEW)->'pgrti' is NULL) THEN NEW.pgrti = 2000000000*random();END IF; RAISE NOTICE 'aarigger_up %', row_to_json(NEW)::text; return NEW;
$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
update mysql.users set email = '' where id = 1;
I can see that the value for pgrti is updated in the NOTICE in postgres. In mysql the value is not updated. If I add the target col to the statement it does go through
update mysql.users set email = '', pgrti=0 where id = 1;
I need this to work to be able to detect CRUD coming from PG in a little deamon that calls pg_triggers for updates coming from mysqld; without a means to detect changes originating from pg the triggers would fire twice. Any idea where I'd change MYSQL_FDW to do this (also add fields that are updated in the trigger before firing off to mysql)?
Francois Payette
Re: MYSQL_FDW trigger BEFORE UPDATE changes to NEW on a col not inthe update statement don't go through
Hi Francois, On Wed, Apr 22, 2020 at 8:09 AM Francois Payette <> wrote: > I create a trigger on an imported foreign table. In the procedure, I change the value of a column that is not in the triggeringupdate statement. This change does not make it to the mysql side. I'm not an expert on mysql_fdw, so maybe I'm missing something, but I think we had the same issue in postgres_fdw. See this:;a=commitdiff;h=8b6da83d162cb0ac9f6d21082727bbd45c972c53;hp=7dc6ae37def50b5344c157eee5e029a09359f8ee Best regards, Etsuro Fujita