Thread: wait event docs

wait event docs

Jeremy Schneider
The wait event information in PostgreSQL is very helpful for troubleshooting.  I always reference the PostgreSQL docs first, and when people ask me about wait events that where I send them first.  The list of wait events there is comprehensive, but the descriptions are a bit terse and often use vocabulary that requires some familiarity with the internals to understand.

AWS created some wait event documentation for Aurora with PostgreSQL compatibility which takes a slightly different approach.  It's a lot more words... but it tries to give useful suggestions about how to improve (or fix) the system when a particular wait event is encountered.

Something like this would be really valuable for open source PostgreSQL too.  While somebody's personal blog is one solution, it doesn't seem wholly inappropriate to live on a community resource.  I'd be happy to seed the content and continue making updates it as I regularly helping people solve problems on open source community PostgreSQL (and hopefully others contribute too).

Could we create a new wiki page as a starting point, and we could draft up and maintain something there for a little while?  Maybe a place like ?

If it does turn out to be useful for a lot of people then maybe it could even get into the PG docs someday.  :)


P.S. my wiki username is "Jer"

Jeremy Schneider
Database Engineer
Amazon Web Services