Thread: PSQLException: ERROR: could not write to hash-join temporary file: Nospace left on device

Hi team,


I have an issue with Postgres error: PSQLException: ERROR: could not write to hash-join temporary file: No space left on device

After investigation, I could see that both work_mem and temp_tablespace is NOT specified in postgresql.conf file,

but when I queried database, it showed as 15728kB.


$ cat postgresql.conf | grep temp_tablespaces

#temp_tablespaces = ''                  # a list of tablespace names, '' uses


$ cat postgresql.conf | grep work_mem

#work_mem = 4MB                         # min 64kB

#maintenance_work_mem = 64MB            # min 1MB

#autovacuum_work_mem = -1               # min 1MB, or -1 to use maintenance_work_mem

--Recommend is 64MB


postgres=# show work_mem;




(1 row)


I can see that large number of temp files have been created.


postgres=# SELECT datname, temp_files,temp_bytes from pg_catalog.pg_stat_database;

  datname   | temp_files |  temp_bytes


postgres   |         24 |      25013533

user_db    |     200797 | 2774922398171

template1  |          0 |             0

template0  |          0 |             0

(4 rows)


$ free -h

             total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached

Mem:           31G        18G        12G       5.4G       408M        17G

-/+ buffers/cache:       1.4G        29G

Swap:         4.0G       226M       3.8G


In my opinion, work_mem needs to be set since temp files created seem quite large.

Can someone please advise the recommended value for work_mem (is 64MB recommended?)

And if setting up temp_tablespace is also recommended in this case?





main problem is that one or many queries have generated more than 2TB of
temp space ...
I would start by querying pg_stat_activity or pg_stat_statements (if
installed and enabled) 
to identify some long queries, then try to understand why it generates so
much hash join temp space  


Sent from:

and two additionnal idea:
- check logs to find the initial SQL statement(s) that failed,
- restart the cluster to free all that space


Sent from:

It seems impossible to use hundreds of gigs of temp space, but I’ve done it. Adding temp space beyond 2TB here is not likely to be the right solution. Instead you want to avoid needing THAT much temp space in the first place. Your

PostgreSQL server is not a large Spark cluster.


Posting the text of the query here would help … as would the output of EXPLAIN [query].


Yes, optimizing your postgresql.conf for analysis type work is also very helpful, but this is not that.
Here is a good place to start on that …



Not having the query here, there are two approaches I’d probably use:

  1. Optimize The Query to not need such a large join
    1. Make sure you have the indexes you need
    2. Extended statistics bridging the joining variable and those in the WHERE clause will help the query planner a lot in avoiding unnecessary overhead
    3. Nested queries of this size are likely to be a very bad idea.
    4. If the underlying tables are partitioned (I assume they are at this size), and you’re joining on a partition variable, try applying the when clause to each hypertable
  2. Break the work into chunks
    1. Try breaking the work into reasonable-sized chunks, and either loop through or parallelize with a scripting language (bash, R, Python, etc.)




From: Calvin Kim <>
Sent: Tuesday, November 12, 2019 2:28 PM
Subject: PSQLException: ERROR: could not write to hash-join temporary file: No space left on device


Hi team,


I have an issue with Postgres error: PSQLException: ERROR: could not write to hash-join temporary file: No space left on device

After investigation, I could see that both work_mem and temp_tablespace is NOT specified in postgresql.conf file,

but when I queried database, it showed as 15728kB.


$ cat postgresql.conf | grep temp_tablespaces

#temp_tablespaces = ''                  # a list of tablespace names, '' uses


$ cat postgresql.conf | grep work_mem

#work_mem = 4MB                         # min 64kB

#maintenance_work_mem = 64MB            # min 1MB

#autovacuum_work_mem = -1               # min 1MB, or -1 to use maintenance_work_mem

--Recommend is 64MB


postgres=# show work_mem;




(1 row)


I can see that large number of temp files have been created.


postgres=# SELECT datname, temp_files,temp_bytes from pg_catalog.pg_stat_database;

  datname   | temp_files |  temp_bytes


postgres   |         24 |      25013533

user_db    |     200797 | 2774922398171

template1  |          0 |             0

template0  |          0 |             0

(4 rows)


$ free -h

             total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached

Mem:           31G        18G        12G       5.4G       408M        17G

-/+ buffers/cache:       1.4G        29G

Swap:         4.0G       226M       3.8G


In my opinion, work_mem needs to be set since temp files created seem quite large.

Can someone please advise the recommended value for work_mem (is 64MB recommended?)

And if setting up temp_tablespace is also recommended in this case?




Hi Stephen,

Thanks for the advise. I will work with developer to take a look at the queries and try to optimize them or break them down into chunks.

What is strange for me is that I don't see any files in /base/pgsql_tmp and that temp_tablespaces is not set in postgresql.conf.
I know that temp files supposed to be removed after process is completed, but not sure why I'm seeing such a huge numbers in pg_stat_database. Would there be any maintenance job that clears this?
I'm using PostgreSQL version 9.6.



On Wed, Nov 13, 2019 at 11:53 AM Stephen Froehlich <> wrote:

It seems impossible to use hundreds of gigs of temp space, but I’ve done it. Adding temp space beyond 2TB here is not likely to be the right solution. Instead you want to avoid needing THAT much temp space in the first place. Your

PostgreSQL server is not a large Spark cluster.


Posting the text of the query here would help … as would the output of EXPLAIN [query].


Yes, optimizing your postgresql.conf for analysis type work is also very helpful, but this is not that.
Here is a good place to start on that …



Not having the query here, there are two approaches I’d probably use:

  1. Optimize The Query to not need such a large join
    1. Make sure you have the indexes you need
    2. Extended statistics bridging the joining variable and those in the WHERE clause will help the query planner a lot in avoiding unnecessary overhead
    3. Nested queries of this size are likely to be a very bad idea.
    4. If the underlying tables are partitioned (I assume they are at this size), and you’re joining on a partition variable, try applying the when clause to each hypertable
  2. Break the work into chunks
    1. Try breaking the work into reasonable-sized chunks, and either loop through or parallelize with a scripting language (bash, R, Python, etc.)




From: Calvin Kim <>
Sent: Tuesday, November 12, 2019 2:28 PM
Subject: PSQLException: ERROR: could not write to hash-join temporary file: No space left on device


Hi team,


I have an issue with Postgres error: PSQLException: ERROR: could not write to hash-join temporary file: No space left on device

After investigation, I could see that both work_mem and temp_tablespace is NOT specified in postgresql.conf file,

but when I queried database, it showed as 15728kB.


$ cat postgresql.conf | grep temp_tablespaces

#temp_tablespaces = ''                  # a list of tablespace names, '' uses


$ cat postgresql.conf | grep work_mem

#work_mem = 4MB                         # min 64kB

#maintenance_work_mem = 64MB            # min 1MB

#autovacuum_work_mem = -1               # min 1MB, or -1 to use maintenance_work_mem

--Recommend is 64MB


postgres=# show work_mem;




(1 row)


I can see that large number of temp files have been created.


postgres=# SELECT datname, temp_files,temp_bytes from pg_catalog.pg_stat_database;

  datname   | temp_files |  temp_bytes


postgres   |         24 |      25013533

user_db    |     200797 | 2774922398171

template1  |          0 |             0

template0  |          0 |             0

(4 rows)


$ free -h

             total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached

Mem:           31G        18G        12G       5.4G       408M        17G

-/+ buffers/cache:       1.4G        29G

Swap:         4.0G       226M       3.8G


In my opinion, work_mem needs to be set since temp files created seem quite large.

Can someone please advise the recommended value for work_mem (is 64MB recommended?)

And if setting up temp_tablespace is also recommended in this case?




Calvin Kim <> writes:
> What is strange for me is that I don't see any files in /base/pgsql_tmp and
> that temp_tablespaces is not set in postgresql.conf.
> I know that temp files supposed to be removed after process is completed,
> but not sure why I'm seeing such a huge numbers in pg_stat_database. Would
> there be any maintenance job that clears this?

Temp files get cleared as part of end-of-query cleanup, there's no
separate maintenance job for that.  So you'd only see them in the
filesystem if you looked while the query was running.

            regards, tom lane